the case against dessert seems open and shut. Sugar has been linked to weight gain and some of the chronic diseases that go along with it, including Type 2 diabetes and cancer. Many desserts also have an abundance of saturated fats, which can harm the heart, and plenty of empty calories.
open and shut:一目了然的。这里指的是不吃太多甜食是饮食中的一个常识【写作推荐】词组积累
link to:与……联系在一起。常用还有connect to【写作推荐】词组积累
weight gain:体重增加
go along with:一起,和……同行。原文的意思即那些伴随体重增加而带来的慢性疾病。Go along with it 经常引申出别的意思,大致意义都是“顺从、适应、顺应”的意思,也就是本意“一起”引申出的。比如we have to go along with the changes. 我们不得不跟着适应。这里是适应的意思;还有we have to go along with his decision. 我们不得不赞同他的决定【写作推荐】词组积累
have an abundance of sth:有大量的……【写作推荐】词组积累
saturated fats:饱和脂肪
empty calories:无营养卡路里(含有高卡路里却没有营养)
plenty of:大量的
But recent research suggests that having an occasional dessert may actually be a useful tool foreating more healthfully.
have an occasional dessert:偶尔吃点甜品
be a useful tool for:是……的一种有效的手段【写作推荐】词组积累
In a study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: More than 130 university students and staff were offered a choice of two desserts at the start of the cafeteria lunch line. When people made the decadent selection —lemon cheesecake—they chose healthier meals andconsumed fewer calories overall than those who picked fresh fruit. They didn’t even have to eat the treat first; just selecting it was enough to influence the rest of their order.
be offered a choice of ……:在……中选择【写作推荐】词组积累
at the start of:在……的开端【写作推荐】词组积累
lunch line:午餐就餐队伍
decadent ['dekədənt]:贪图享乐的decadent selection 这里指的是选择了不怎么健康的一个甜品选项
consume calories:摄入卡路里。 consume~ sth吃;喝;饮to eat or drink sth。【地道表达】生活类话题
treat:作为名词解释,指的是“一件令人开心的事”,比如Eating chocolate is a treat to me, 吃巧克力是一种难得的享受。文中即代表甜点。【词汇精析运用】
Almost 70% of the people who took the cheesecake went on to choose a healthier main and side dish, but only about a third of the people who took fruit did so. People who took the cheesecake also ate about 250 fewer total calories during their meal compared with people who chose fruit.
go on to do:接着去做……【写作推荐】词组积累
main and side dish:主菜和配菜【地道表达】生活类话题
compare with:与……相比。还有一个老生常谈的点:compare to 是把……比作……,如A teacher is often compared to a candle教师常被比作一支蜡烛【写作推荐】词组积累
“If we choose something healthy first, then this gives us a license to choose something biggerlater,” says study coauthor Martin Reimann, an assistant professor of marketing and cognitive science at the University of Arizona. “If you turn it around and choose something heavier early on, then this license is already expired.” Making a calorieheavy choice first seems to steer people toward healthier options.
gives us a license to do:使我们获得许可做……【写作推荐】词组积累
something bigger:更重大的事。这里引申为为了奖励自己做了正确的选择,于是可以在之后选择更能满足我们欲望的食物。
turn around:本义为转身,翻转。这里是指回过头来,重新选择。
early on:早期,可以和at the beginning替换【写作推荐】同义替换
expire:失效。The license is expired 许可失效。和上文的give us a license to对应,指的是就不会出现放纵自己欲望的现象了。【写作推荐】词组积累
steer:引导。如steer the conversation away from divorce把话题从离婚一事上引开。文中steer sb toward healthier options指的是引人做出更健康的饮食决定。【写作推荐】词组积累
亚利桑那大学营销和认知学助理教授,以及该研究的共同研究者Martin Reimann说:“如果我们先做了一个健康的选择,那这种选择会许可我们在之后放纵自己。如果你回过头来,在一开始就选择了不怎么健康的食物,那心里给的那道许可自然也就失效了。” 选择高卡路里食物似乎能引导人们之后选择更健康的饮食。
Dessert shouldn’t be an everyday indulgence—and there’s nothing wrong with ending a meal with fresh fruit, of course. But when you decide to partake, doing so strategically can pay off. “Be mindful and conscious about the different choices you make,” Reimann says.
end A with B:以B结束A,文中即以水果作为餐后点心。【写作推荐】词组积累
~ (of sth) 吃,喝,享用to eat or drink sth
~ (in sth) 参加;参与to take part in an activity
pay off:常用意思为偿还债务。这里是另一个意思:收获成效。【熟词僻义】
be mindful and conscious about:be mindful about/be conscious about:都是注意【写作推荐】同义互换
甜点不应作为每日的享受——当然,餐后来点水果也没什么错。但当你决定享用食物时,这么做会有用: “注意你做的不同的选择”
treat:作为名词解释,指的是“一件令人开心的事”,比如Eating chocolate is a treat to me, 吃巧克力是一种难得的享受。文中即享用甜点这件事。【词汇精析运用】
~ (of sth) 吃,喝,享用to eat or drink sth
~ (in sth) 参加;参与to take part in an activity
consume calories:摄入卡路里。 consume~ sth吃;喝;饮to eat or drink sth。【地道表达】生活类话题
main and side dish:主菜和配菜【地道表达】生活类话题
pay off:常用意思为偿还债务。这里是另一个意思:收获成效。【熟词僻义】
open and shut:一目了然的。这里指的是不吃太多甜食是饮食中的一个常识【写作推荐】词组积累
link to:与……联系在一起。常用还有connect to【写作推荐】词组积累
go along with:一起,和……同行。原文的意思即那些伴随体重增加而带来的慢性疾病。Go along with it 经常引申出别的意思,大致意义都是“顺从、适应、顺应”的意思,也就是本意“一起”引申出的。比如we have to go along with the changes. 我们不得不跟着适应。这里是适应的意思;还有we have to go along with his decision. 我们不得不赞同他的决定【写作推荐】词组积累
have an abundance of sth:有大量的……【写作推荐】词组积累
be a useful tool for:是……的一种有效的手段【写作推荐】词组积累
be offered a choice of ……:在……中选择【写作推荐】词组积累
at the start of:在……的开端【写作推荐】词组积累
go on to do:接着去做……【写作推荐】词组积累
compare with:与……相比。还有一个老生常谈的点:compare to 是把……比作……,如A teacher is often compared to a candle教师常被比作一支蜡烛【写作推荐】词组积累
gives us a license to do:使我们获得许可做……【写作推荐】词组积累
expire:失效。The license is expired 许可失效。和上文的give us a license to对应,指的是就不会出现放纵自己欲望的现象了。【写作推荐】词组积累
steer:引导。如steer the conversation away from divorce把话题从离婚一事上引开。文中steer sb toward healthier options指的是引人做出更健康的饮食决定。【写作推荐】词组积累
end A with B:以B结束A,文中即以水果作为餐后点心。【写作推荐】词组积累
early on:早期,可以和at the beginning替换【写作推荐】同义替换
be mindful and conscious about:be mindful about/be conscious about:都是注意【写作推荐】同义互换