
作者: lisa4ping | 来源:发表于2019-03-25 03:38 被阅读81次

       I stood in the wind with my hair flying, the wind blowing red and yellow leaves in the sky. The swallow is sweeping across the sky, it is a golden time, and fall is here. After that is a long winter time. I am wondering how long it will be until this swallow comes flying back in here. I wish to follow the swans flying to the south. I remember back to years ago, a Christmas time when I was sitting in the big ship, in the middle of the ocean on a cruise from the state of the Florida to the Mexican.

        Years ago, one of my old friends send an invitation to me to join the bunch of friends for a cruise to Carzmo. Each of us picked up a suitcase. Finally, six old friends together again at cruise, this vacation time is in celebration of one of my friends getting better from the cancer chemotherapy. We all think she can recover from the medical treatment, because when I look up at her face, she looks healthy, and no different from the rest of us. We wish her a healthy life again. Then she can enjoy a cruise with us again next time.

        The cruise is fully laden with the passengers. To begin our first navigation out to sea, we are singing with the loud music on our cruise to Mexico. The seagulls follow in the wake of our cruise, and a lot of seagulls are hovering over the deck. I sit in the back of the deck, listened to the waves lapping against the sides of the shipping. I am in the mighty ocean as I look closer to the horizon, the sky appears much paler in colorful, blue sky with white cloud. This beauty of the senses enchants me. For  moment one song come out my mind: "I feel good, I feel good."

        During Christmas everyone treat on air, we all make wish for our  friends can get over to fight the cancer. On the cruise in that short time we are laugh heartily. We spend most of our time talking each other. We are together watching the show on the cruise. The ship buffeted her way through the waves. The ship land on the small island in Mexico City. This small island looks like paradise close to the sea, and I see a golden sun go down or up, and in the warmth, it let me forget this is winter time. We take a lot of pictures from the trip to make a movie for our memory.

          The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we say goodbye to each of our friends. We all plans cruise again next year Christmas time. Unfortunately, after four months of our vacation time the shocking news makes everyone sad, she was passed away from cancer cells that came back to her. Right now, every time I see the picture of her sunny bright smile to me, and remember her begging me to draw a picture of her, I feel deep remorse. I think of the various ills of life; no one can know what happens next day. All I can do is smile to tomorrow.



