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跟着小猪佩奇学英语 | 捉迷藏,游戏是父母对孩子最好的陪伴

跟着小猪佩奇学英语 | 捉迷藏,游戏是父母对孩子最好的陪伴

作者: 乐活雅 | 来源:发表于2018-09-26 13:22 被阅读3次

PS:妈妈是最好的英语启蒙老师! 一起来看看,学几句亲子英语吧。











这是小猪佩奇第一季第四集《捉迷藏 Hide and Seek》中的文本。

5 Hide and Seek

Narrator(N): Peppa and George areplaying

hide and seek.It is George's turn to hide. He must quickly find somewhereto hide before Peppa finishes counting!

Peppa: One... two... three...four...five... six... seven...

N: George has found somewhere to hide,eight... just in time!

Peppa: nine... ten...Ready or not.Here I come!

N: Peppa has to find where George ishiding.

Peppa:Found you!

N: Peppa has found George.

Peppa: George, I could see you tooeasily.

N: Now it is Peppa's turn to hide.

George: One... erm... three.

Mummy: I'II help George to count.

Mummy: One... two... three...four...five...six... seven... eight...nine...ten! Okay, George, open your eyes!

N: George has to find Where Peppa ishiding. Oh. Peppa isn't hiding under the table.

Daddy: George, have you thought oflooking upstairs?

N: Peppa isn't under the bed. What wasthat strange noise? Peppa isn't behind the curtain. There is that strange noiseagain! What can it be?

Peppa: Whee !

N: George has found where Peppa washiding.

Peppa:George found me! Nowit's Daddy's turn to hide!

Daddy: Oh, I think George shouldhave another turn.

Peppa: But George isn't very good athiding...

Peppa: I'm sure he'll be better thistime.Close your eyesandstart counting.

N: One... two...three... Oh, dear. Peppawill easily find George. four...five...six... George!

Daddy: Come over here...seven...eight... nine... ten!

Peppa: Ready or not, here I come!

N: Oh, George isn't hiding under thetable!

Peppa: But George always hides underthe table!

Daddy: Have you thought of lookingupstairs?

Peppa: I know where he is! George isin the toy basket.

N: Oh. George is not in the toybasket! Where can he be? Peppa can not find George anywhere.

Peppa: Daddy? I can't find Georgeanywhere.

Daddy: Oh, dear, I wonder where he canbe. Actually, I think there's something about George in this newspaper...

Peppa: Whee...George! Found you!

Mummy:Oh, George! That was a good place to hide!

N: George was hiding behind DaddyPig's newspaper all the time!



1. 当乔治在楼下找不到佩奇犯愁时,猪爸爸提醒乔治到楼上找找;当佩奇找不到乔治时,猪爸爸提醒她到楼上找找,后来提醒佩奇到报纸这里看看。

- 当孩子感觉无助或需要帮助时,给予孩子适当的提示。参与到孩子的游戏中,一起享受游戏的乐趣。

2. 当爸爸看到乔治又躲到一眼就能看到的桌子地下时,猪爸爸伸出橄榄枝,让乔治躲到了报纸后面。

- 参与到孩子的游戏中,一起享受游戏的乐趣。帮乔治一个小忙,让游戏更有趣。

3. 当佩奇抱怨乔治老是很容易就被找到时,猪爸爸保证,乔治这次会做地更好。

- 孩子需要鼓励就像植物需要水一样。相信乔治的自信心就是从爸爸和妈妈的点滴鼓励中逐渐茁壮成长的。面对孩子的不足或者小缺点,我们可以尝试用鼓励的方法来改变。

4. 佩奇和乔治两人愉快地玩游戏时,猪爸爸猪妈妈则享受自己的阅读时光。猪爸爸读报纸,猪妈妈读书。

- 爸爸妈妈的行动就是孩子最好的榜样。孩子们在耳濡目染下,也会习惯阅读时光。




1. Play hide and seek. 玩捉迷藏。

2. Ready or not. Here I come! 不管怎样,我来啦。

3. Found you! 找到你啦!

4. George found me! 乔治找到我啦!

5. Have another turn.再来一次。

6. Close your eyes. 闭上眼睛。

7. Start counting. 开始数数。




    本文标题:跟着小猪佩奇学英语 | 捉迷藏,游戏是父母对孩子最好的陪伴
