

作者: 英语沙塔电影英语学习 | 来源:发表于2019-09-29 11:35 被阅读0次





    Social media have transformed tourism worldwide. Instead of having fun, some people nowflock to remote strawberry farms or Icelandic fjords to take photos to impress their friends on Instagram. Foreign-operated social-media sites, including Instagram, are blocked in China. Butdomestic ones are hugely popular. Douyin, launched in 2016, has 230m monthly active users. Unlike users of Instagram, who mainly browse feeds of pictures posted by people they follow, Douyin’s fans commonly use the app to watch hot-trending videos posted by users they do not know under categories such as “food” and “scenicspots”.

    transform tourism worldwide transform有变形的意思,如transformer,即变形金刚,这里的transform意为“转变成”,是某种性质发生改变。这里指的是把旅游业全球化。【词汇积累】

    flock to ……蜂拥至……【词组积累】

    Icelandic fjordIcelandic冰岛的,fjord海湾

    impress their friends给……留下深刻的好印象。例如人们旅游拍照后发朋友圈,分享自己的精彩时刻,就可以使用这个词。【词汇积累】

    be blocked in被屏蔽、封锁。【词组积累】

    domestic ones国内的网站,ones用来代替前面的sites,避免重复。

    hugely popular十分受欢迎。【搭配】

    monthly active users每月活跃用户,如the number of monthly active users每月活跃用户数。【词汇积累】

    browse feeds of pictures这里的feed不是饲料的意思,feed在这里是现代用法,it refers to the list of pictures or statuses on the front page of a social media site, such as Facebook or Instagram. For example, if I'm on facebook, I scroll down the page and all the different posts from people I see are my "feed". For Instagram, I scroll down the page and see pictures from the different people I am following. This is my "Instagram feed", it's basically just the content I see from everyone on my social media page. 从这里来看,feed指的是社交网站首页上的一列照片或一系列社会问题。文中很明显指的是Instagram上人们所关注的那些人发布的照片内容。【熟词僻义】

    hot-trending videos热门视频【词汇积累】

    under categories such as ……在例如……等分类下。【词组积累】


    社交媒体使得旅游业全球化。现在,一些人更愿意蜂拥至偏远的草莓园或冰岛海湾拍照,并发到Instagram上,跟自己的朋友分享自己的精彩时刻。国外运营的 社交网站,包括instagram,在我国石碑封锁的。但国内的网站则十分流行。2016年上市的抖音,月活跃人数达2.3亿人。Instagram上的用户主要浏览自己关注的人发布的照片,与之不同的是,抖音上的用户更多的是观看他们所关注的那些类别下,自己不认识的用户发布的热门视频,如“食物”和“旅游景点”。


    Uploading a picture or video from a photogenic spot to sites such as Douyin and Kuaishou is known in China as daka, meaning “punching the card”. The word is also used to refer to the practice of registering your presence at a location that has already become hot, such as Hongyadong. The aim is not to produce a well-crafted video or beautiful photograph, but simply to show that you have also been to the places that are popular. The beauty of the attraction is less important than the fact that people are flocking there to daka.

    photogenic spotphotogenic上镜的,上相的,这里指的是适合于摄影的地点。【词汇积累】

    is known in China as dakais known意为为……所熟知,指的是前面整句话(把照片或视频上传)在中国被称作打卡。

    the practice of sth or doing sth做某件事,实践某件事【词组积累】

    register your presence at a locationregister有注册登记的意思,如在宾馆注册登记,这里register one’s presence at a location有种“齐天大圣,到此一游”的意味在里面,指记录自己到此一游。【词组积累】

    produce a well-crafted video or beautiful photograph制作精良的视频或精美照片,well-crafted即制作精良的。produce可以与video和photograph搭配,即制作视频与照片。【词汇积累】



    subculture has developed of young people who embrace daka as a lifestyle. So- called daka zu—“daka tribes”—can be found roaming Chongqing and other cities, checking in at as manyhot locations as possible within a single day. Guides can be found online, to show the most efficient ways to achieve this. Douyin users can use the app to create “daka videos”: super-speedslideshows of themselves at dakasites.

    subculture亚文化,the behaviour and beliefs of a particular group of people in society that are different from those of most people【词汇积累】

    embrace daka as a lifestyle把打卡当作一种生活方式。embrace指的是欣然接受,乐意采纳especially when it is done with enthusiasm。【词组积累】

    daka tribestribe意为种族,部落,打卡族可以用tribe这个词来表示【词汇积累】

    roam闲逛 to walk or travel around an area without any definite aim or direction

    check in at hot locationscheck in也有登记、报道的意思,和上文的register one’s presence ata location中的register有异曲同工之妙。【词组积累】



    那些把打卡当中生活方式的年轻人发展出了一种亚文化。在重庆以及其他城市,可以发现所谓的daka zu—“打卡组”—在这些地方闲逛,在一天内尽可能打卡越多的热门景点越好。导游可以在网上找到,提供最高效的方式实现这个目的。抖音用户可以使用APP制作“daka 视频”:他们自己在打卡地点的高速幻灯片展示。


    Riding the tide Just as shops and restaurants in other countries try to attract customers with decorations that might be a backdrop for Instagrammable pictures, those in China try to make themselves as daka-friendly as possible: a coffee shop in Beijing built inside a shipping container, for example. Having enjoyed a surge of Douyin-inspired custom for as little as a month or so, some businesses close up shop and move elsewhere to capture another wave.

    ride the tide引领潮流,ride骑乘,tide本意是潮汐,还有潮流和趋势的意思,骑乘着潮流,即引领潮流。【词组积累】


    instagrammable picturesIns风的照片【词汇积累】


    shipping container集装箱

    a surge of Douyin-inspired customsurge有激增,大量的意思这里,Douyin-inspired意为受到抖音启发的,a surge of Douyin-inspired custom意为一阵因抖音引起的习惯。【词组积累】




    The daka craze may have practical origins. China’s young urban professionals have littlevacation time. In their first year at a company, employees can expect at most one day of vacation (other than public holidays). They are routinely expected to work overtime for no pay. So workers need to make the most of their limited leisure time. Douyin captures the mood with its slogan: “Make every second count.”

    The daka crazecraze意为疯狂,狂热,狂潮,意为打卡狂潮【词汇积累】

    practical origins现实渊源【词汇积累】

    vacation time休假时间


    work overtime加班工作

    make the most of their limited leisure timemake the most of意为充分使用,充分利用。【词组积累】

    captures the moodcapture有刻画、描述的意思,to succeed in accurately expressing a feeling, an atmosphere, etc. in a picture, piece of writing, film/movie, etc.尤其是表达了某种感觉和气氛。这里capture the mood即表达了人们的心情【词组积累】



    transform tourism worldwide transform有变形的意思,如transformer,即变形金刚,这里的transform意为“转变成”,是某种性质发生改变。这里指的是把旅游业全球化。【词汇积累】

    impress their friends给……留下深刻的好印象。例如人们旅游拍照后发朋友圈,分享自己的精彩时刻,就可以使用这个词。【词汇积累】

    monthly active users每月活跃用户,如the number of monthly active users每月活跃用户数。【词汇积累】

    hot-trending videos热门视频【词汇积累】

    photogenic spotphotogenic上镜的,上相的,这里指的是适合于摄影的地点。【词汇积累】

    produce a well-crafted video or beautiful photograph制作精良的视频或精美照片,well-crafted即制作精良的。produce可以与video和photograph搭配,即制作视频与照片。【词汇积累】

    subculture亚文化,the behaviour and beliefs of a particular group of people in society that are different from those of most people【词汇积累】

    daka tribestribe意为种族,部落,打卡族可以用tribe这个词来表示【词汇积累】

    instagrammable picturesIns风的照片【词汇积累】

    The daka crazecraze意为疯狂,狂热,狂潮,意为打卡狂潮【词汇积累】

    practical origins现实渊源【词汇积累】

    flock to ……蜂拥至……【词组积累】

    be blocked in被屏蔽、封锁。【词组积累】

    under categories such as ……在例如……等分类下。【词组积累】

    the practice of sth or doing sth做某件事,实践某件事【词组积累】

    register your presence at a locationregister有注册登记的意思,如在宾馆注册登记,这里register one’s presence at a location有种“齐天大圣,到此一游”的意味在里面,指记录自己到此一游。【词组积累】

    embrace daka as a lifestyle把打卡当作一种生活方式。embrace指的是欣然接受,乐意采纳especially when it is done with enthusiasm。【词组积累】

    check in at hot locationscheck in也有登记、报道的意思,和上文的register one’s presence ata location中的register有异曲同工之妙。【词组积累】

    ride the tide引领潮流,ride骑乘,tide本意是潮汐,还有潮流和趋势的意思,骑乘着潮流,即引领潮流。【词组积累】

    a surge of Douyin-inspired customsurge有激增,大量的意思这里,Douyin-inspired意为受到抖音启发的,a surge of Douyin-inspired custom意为一阵因抖音引起的习惯。【词组积累】

    make the most of their limited leisure timemake the most of意为充分使用,充分利用。【词组积累】

    captures the moodcapture有刻画、描述的意思,to succeed in accurately expressing a feeling, an atmosphere, etc. in a picture, piece of writing, film/movie, etc.尤其是表达了某种感觉和气氛。这里capture the mood即表达了人们的心情【词组积累】

    hugely popular十分受欢迎。【搭配】

    browse feeds of pictures这里的feed不是饲料的意思,feed在这里是现代用法,it refers to the list of pictures or statuses on the front page of a social media site, such as Facebook or Instagram. For example, if I'm on facebook, I scroll down the page and all the different posts from people I see are my "feed". For Instagram, I scroll down the page and see pictures from the different people I am following. This is my "Instagram feed", it's basically just the content I see from everyone on my social media page. 从这里来看,feed指的是社交网站首页上的一列照片或一系列社会问题。文中很明显指的是Instagram上人们所关注的那些人发布的照片内容。【熟词僻义】




