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Recommended starting plasma volumes are 15–70 µL, with optimal performance using 35 µL.
译:建议使用15–70 µL的起始血浆体积,体积为35 µL时可达到最优性能。
审:推荐采用的起始血浆样品量为15–70 µL,使用35 µL样品时性能最优。
5% methanol in water, by volume
Oasis MCX 96-well µElution Plate Recommended Maximum Digest Supernatant Loading Volumes
译:Oasis MCX 96孔µElution板推荐的酶解上清液的最大上样量
审:Oasis MCX 96孔µElution板建议采用的酶解上清液最大上样量
Total protein load in the digested sample on the Oasis MCX µElution Plate should not exceed 1.25 mg.
译:酶解样品中的总蛋白质上样量在Oasis MCX µElution板上不应超过1.25 mg。
审:上样至Oasis MCX µElution板上的酶解样品中的总蛋白质不应超过1.25 mg。
*Starting volume of plasma added for protein digestion or affinity purification using the ProteinWorks eXpress Digest Kit and Protocols, with a final digestion volume of 200 µL.
译:*采用ProteinWorks eXpress快速酶解试剂盒和方案时用于蛋白酶解或亲和纯化所添加的血浆起始体积,最终的酶解体积为200 µL。
审:*采用ProteinWorks eXpress快速酶解试剂盒及方案进行蛋白酶解或亲和纯化时的血浆起始体积,最终得到的酶解样品体积为200 µL。
**Based on a total protein content of 75 mg/mL in whole plasma/serum.
译:**基于全血浆/血清中75 mg/mL的总蛋白质含量。
审:**全血浆/血清中的总蛋白质含量按75 mg/mL计。
***Based on a total protein content 15 mg/mL post-generic affinity purified plasma (Protein A/G) and assuming all Affinity captured sample is used for digestion.
译:***基于经通用亲和纯化后的血浆(蛋白A/G)中15 mg/mL的总蛋白质含量并假设所有亲和采集样品均用于酶解。
审:***经通用亲和纯化后的血浆(蛋白A/G)中的总蛋白质含量按15 mg/mL计,并假设亲和纯化采集到的样品全部用于酶解。
The ProteinWorks™ µElution SPE Clean-up Kit ( p/n 186008304 ) combines Oasis ® MCX µElution technology with an optimized, broadly applicable protocol for the post-digestion peptide clean-up of directly digested or immunopurified plasma/serum samples.
译:ProteinWorks™ µElution SPE净化试剂盒( 部件号186008304 )实现了Oasis ® MCX µElution技术与普遍适用的优化方案的完美结合,可用于直接酶解或经过免疫纯化的血浆/血清样品中酶解后肽段的净化。
审:ProteinWorks™ µElution SPE净化试剂盒( 部件号186008304 )完美结合了Oasis ® MCX µElution技术与广泛适用的优化方案,适用于净化直接酶解或经免疫纯化处理后的血浆/血清样品中的酶解后肽段。
The protocol was developed to yield high recoveries of various tryptic peptides following mixed-mode cation-ion exchange SPE of digested protein samples, while removing digest reagents, minimizing matrix interferences, and improving specificity and sensitivity.
The µElution format was specifically chosen as it allows one to load up to 375 µL of sample (prior to dilution) and elute in as little as 25 µL, providing up to a 15x concentration factor (often necessary to reach required detection limits), without evaporation and reconstitution.
译:由我们精心挑选的µElution板可提供高达375 µL的上样量(稀释前)且最小洗脱至25 µL,实现高达15倍的浓缩(通常需要达到要求的检测限),而无需蒸发和复溶。
审:µElution板经特别设计,上样量可达375 µL(稀释前),最小洗脱体积仅为25 µL,无需蒸发和复溶步骤即可将样品浓缩多达15倍(达到要求检测限通常必需的浓缩倍数)。
The ability to elute in small volumes eliminates potential peptide losses during evaporation due to adsorption to the walls of collection plates or instability.
In addition, an entire Oasis 96-well Plate can be processed manually in under 30 minutes, or less than 20 seconds per sample, significantly increasing throughput.
译:此外,整个Oasis 96孔板可在30 min内或以每份样品低于20秒的速度手动完成处理,从而大大提升通量。
审:此外,用户在30分钟之内即可手动完成整个Oasis 96孔板的处理(或每份样品耗时不到20秒),大大提升了通量。
There are two, Oasis MCX and Oasis WCX, of the five available Oasis Sorbent chemistries which are often employed in the extraction of tryptic peptides from biological matrices.
译:在六种常用于从生物基质中提取胰蛋白酶肽的Oasis吸附剂填料中,我们提供有其中两种,即Oasis MCX和Oasis WCX。
审:五种Oasis吸附剂填料中有两种常被用于提取生物基质中的胰蛋白酶肽,它们是Oasis MCX和Oasis WCX。
In particular, the quaternary amine MCX (Mixed-Mode Cation-eXchange) derivative of Oasis HLB provides dual modes of retention (e.g. both reversed-phase and ion-exchange retention modes available), enabling greater cleanup, selectivity, and sensitivity for a diversity of peptides resulting from tryptic digest – even if the sorbent in the wells runs dry.
译:特别地,Oasis HLB的季胺类MCX(混合模式阳离子交换)衍生物可提供双保留模式(例如,同时实现反相和离子交换保留模式),能够为胰蛋白酶消化物产生的各种肽提供更高的纯化、选择性和灵敏度,无论孔内的吸附剂是否变干。
审:尤其是,Oasis HLB的季胺类MCX(混合模式阳离子交换)衍生物可提供双保留模式(例如,同时实现反相和离子交换保留模式),从而改善胰蛋白酶消化物中多种肽的净化效果,提高净化的选择性和灵敏度 — 即使孔内的吸附剂变干,净化效果也不受影响。
The MCX sorbent is specifically designed to offer the same benefits and features as HLB (water wettability, pH stability, and freedom from silanol interactions) with the additional benefit of retaining and releasing compounds based on ion-exchange interaction with the sorbent.
For those protein digested supernatant which have not employed an acidification step to stop the digestion reaction, it is typically recommended to dilute the samples 1:1 (v:v) with acidified aqueous solutions.
译:对于未经过酸化步骤以消除酶解作用的蛋白质酶解上清液而言,通常建议使用酸化的水溶液对样品进行1:1 (v:v)稀释。
审:对于未经酸化步骤终止酶解反应的蛋白质酶解上清液,我们建议使用酸化的水溶液以1:1 (v:v)的比例对其进行稀释。
Add 0.4 mL of concentrated phosphoric acid to 9.6 mL of water to generate a 4% phosphoric acid solution, in water.
译:将0.4 mL浓缩磷酸添加到9.6 mL水中,生成4%磷酸的水溶液。
审:将0.4 mL浓缩磷酸加入9.6 mL水中,制备得到4%磷酸水溶液。
The ProteinWorks µElution SPE Clean-up Protocol (Figure 1) is a simple, logical approach for extraction of tryptic peptides from digested plasma/serum biological matrices.
译:ProteinWorks µElution SPE净化方案(图1)是一种用于萃取酶解血浆/血清生物基质中的胰蛋白酶肽的简单合理的方法。
审:ProteinWorks µElution SPE净化方案(图1)是适用于从酶解的血浆/血清生物基质中提取胰蛋白酶肽的一种简单合理的方案。
Draw through 200 µL methanol.
译:通入200 µL甲醇。
审:加入200 µL甲醇并使其通过孔板。
ProteinWorks eXpress Digest and Direct Digest Kits and using the Oasis MCX µElution Plate
译:** ProteinWorks eXpress快速酶解试剂盒和直接酶解试剂盒以及Oasis MCX µElution板得到的已酶解的血浆/血清样品的最大SPE参考上样量
审:** ProteinWorks eXpress快速酶解试剂盒和直接酶解试剂盒得到的酶解血浆/血清样品在Oasis MCX µElution板上的SPE最大参考上样量
It is recommended that total protein load in the digested sample on the Oasis MCX µElution Plate not exceed 1.25 mg. Whether from directly digested or immuno-purified/digested sample, it is recommended to start with lower volumes during screening and increase up to maximum volumes, or use a larger sorbent bed (10 or 30 mg), if necessary as an optimization step.
译:我们建议酶解样品中的总蛋白质上样量在Oasis MCX µElution板上不应超过1.25 mg。无论蛋白质是来自直接酶解样品还是免疫纯化/酶解样品,根据优化步骤的需要,建议在筛选过程中从较低体积开始,然后增加至最大体积,或者使用较大的吸附床(10或30 mg)。
审:我们建议上样至Oasis MCX µElution板的酶解样品中的总蛋白质含量不应超过1.25 mg。无论是采用直接酶解法还是免疫纯化/酶解法处理样品,我们都建议您在筛选过程中从较低的上样量开始逐渐增加至最大上样量,如果优化步骤有需要,还可使用较大的吸附床(10或30 mg)。
Average Response Post-Extracted Spiked Samples
Average response in area counts for analyte peak in post-spiked standards: