今天读这篇散文,作者John Ruskin (约翰·拉斯金),维多利亚时期评论家,作者。对艺术很感兴趣,也是一位社会评论家,著作有《现代画家》、《威尼斯的石头》。本文选自前者,讨论艺术高贵特性究竟在哪里。但豹豹读起来感觉很绕,选取这一篇是因为很短,也就一页A4纸,这一篇就简单出些单词,因为让我评论我也评论不来。全文百度文库可免费下载。
Painting, or art generally, as such, with all its technicalities, difficulties, and particular ends, is nothing but a noble and expressive language, invaluable as the vehicle of thought, but by itself nothing. He who has learned what is commonly considered the whole art of painting, that is, the art of representing any natural object faithfully, has as yet only learned the language by which his thoughts are to be expressed.
as such: intrinsically considered 就本身而言,本质而言。
The technicalities of a process or activity are the detailed methods used to do it or to carry it out. (过程、活动的) 技术细节, 详细步骤
The language is, indeed, more difficult of acquirement in the one case than in the other, and possesses more power of delighting the sense, while it speaks to the intellect; but it is, nevertheless, nothing more than language, and all those excellences which are peculiar to the painter as such, are merely what rhythm, melody, precision, and force are in the words of the orator and the poet, necessary to their greatness, but not the tests of their greatness.
in the one case 与 in the other(case)分别指画家的语言与诗人的语言,二者进行类比。
Intellect is the ability to understand or deal with ideas and information. 智力; 理解力; 领悟力; 思维能力
as such与上文释义相同
An orator is someone who is skilled at making formal speeches, especially ones which affect people's feelings and beliefs. (尤指能影响人们情感和信仰的) 演说家, 演讲家, 雄辩家
So that, if I say that the greatest picture is that which conveys to the mind of the spectator the greatest number of the greatest ideas, I have a definition which will include as subjects of comparison every pleasure which art is capable of conveying. If I were to say, on the contrary, that the best picture was that which most closely imitated nature, I should assume that art could only please by imitating nature; and I should cast out of the pale of criticism those parts of works of art which are not imitative, that is to say, intrinsic beauties of color and form, and those works of art wholly, which, like the Arabesques of Raffaelle in the Loggias, are not imitative at all.
convey: 传达
A spectator is someone who watches something, especially a sporting event. (尤指体育比赛的) 观众
work 指艺术品时可数
the Arabesques of Raffaelle in the Loggias中Arabesques查了表示一种舞姿,或者阿拉伯花纹,Loggias表示凉廊。文中给的翻译为"拉斐尔在梵蒂冈宫给绘制的壁画"
Raffaelle: Raphael 拉斐尔(1485-1520) 意大利著名画家,与达芬奇,米开朗基罗并称意大利文艺复兴三杰。
But I say that the art is greatest which conveys to the mind of the spectator, by any means whatsoever, the greatest number of the greatest ideas; and I call an idea great in proportion as it is received by a higher faculty of the mind, and as it mere fully occupies, and in occupying, exercises and exalts, the faculty by which it is received.
罗尔德大爷的The Twits开始边读边听,作为调剂。(先盲听两节,睡前手机翻两章看哪里没听懂,不建议边看着书边听,不然效果不明显)。书的前半段相当重口和恶趣味,但是莫名的开心起来啦!