永远的愿景 ‖ Qi - Sino Documentary(2)

永远的愿景 ‖ Qi - Sino Documentary(2)

作者: 依依煜兮 | 来源:发表于2019-04-14 00:07 被阅读15次

Qi小雨  【原创】{86/365}



核心工作:  翻译,培训,和咨询

vosion & mission 愿景与使命

【about us / 关于我们】

Qi-Chinese, a global communications service organization 

is well established and  located in the well-known free zone – Dubai Knowledge Village. We are dynamic and professional company with over 10 years of experience in language and cultural instruction, translation and interpretation, and business consultancy. Based in Dubai, we are experienced in bridging the cultural and language gaps between China and Middle East, therefore giving you access to one of largest and fast growing markets and largest emerging economic unit in the world.

www "about us" / 关于我们的页面

As a partner of Dubai Knowledge Village, the only Chinese licensed expert, we focus on providing language training to those individuals learning Chinese as their second language. We also provide cultural awareness training workshops to corporate clients Qi-Chinese,  as a global communication  service center to assist large multinational companies, small and medium enterprises as well as entrepreneur individuals in order to enable them to gain competitive edge and strategic advantages in Chinese Market. This is accomplished through the Chinese language and culture awareness training program, language translation services and business advice, giving business solution as consulting services aimed at overcoming cross-cultural obstacles and challenges in doing business with Chinese customers, partners or other stakeholders .



ENGLISH 361° 是Qi小雨工作室在广州的英语培训工作室,地处珠江新城CBD中心地段,交通便利,环境高雅。是一个以提供各类英语培训,口语强化,出国预备生辅 导为业务核心的综合服 务工作室,亦提供国际贸易咨询、商务会议谈判、大会现场翻译。

Englishi 361°英语工作室,不仅仅可以学英语, 那里还有【街角画室】【英伦手工坊】,讲英语,学画画,做手工,英式红茶/意式咖啡/ 画画/编织/诗歌/音乐 ...这里的英式下午茶,让你有一段在家门口的国际范的跨文化体验。


比完美360°还多1°,  We are better than perfect !


关于作者:Qi 小雨工作室创始人(广州)资深国际贸易顾问,英汉翻译,语言培训师。澳洲卧龙岗大学商学院(迪拜)国际贸易硕士,旅居迪拜20余年,多年海外跨国公司工作经验。曾在国外创建中国语言文化中心,提供对外汉语培训及中英文教学,国际贸易咨询与谈判。



    本文标题:永远的愿景 ‖ Qi - Sino Documentary(2)
