Coloured Eggplant(五彩茄子)

1】main ingredient(主料):eggplant(茄子)

2】Charge mixture(配料):
^O^ Spicy crisp(香辣酥)

^O^ Tenderloin(里脊肉)

^O^ green pepper(青椒)

^O^ garlic(蒜)

^O^ salt(盐)

^O^ sugar(糖)

^O^ aginomoto(味精)

^O^ Bean sauce(黄豆酱)

^O^ Soy sauce(酱油)

4】Cooking process(烹饪流程):

✔ Peel eggplant into strips,dip eggplant strips in a small amount of water,wrap them with starch,then fry eggplant with seven or eight oil temperatures.(把茄子切成条,蘸少量水裹上淀粉,用七八成油温炸熟。)
✔ Mince the spicy crisp,cut the green pepper into fine powder,and cut the garlic into powder.(把香辣酥剁碎,青椒切成细末,大蒜切成细末。)
✔ Cut the fillet into shreds and stir fry with a pot, add soy sauce and monosodium glutamate,then stir-fry well。(把里脊切成丝,用锅炒香,然后加入酱油和味精炒匀。)
✔ Add oil to fry bean sauce,add eggplant to taste and put eggplant in a nice shape on the plate .(锅中加油炒香黄豆酱,加入茄子烧入味,出锅装入盘中摆出形状。)
✔ Put all kinds of seasoning on eggplant to form five colors.(将以上各种准备好的调料分别摆上,形成五彩色即可。)