雪山在唱歌| C1 Frost Forest <2>

雪山在唱歌| C1 Frost Forest <2>

作者: Chros | 来源:发表于2018-12-03 09:42 被阅读7次

Singing Snowberg

Chapter One

    Frost Forest  <2>


When I was employed by my father, worked in that one-man warehouse, I would sing to myself, I would dance if I’m inspired. Nobody's watching, I really enjoyed that. But somehow, the things I could think about changed. Strange enough, I started to think about her, just like she walked into my head and stay rooted.

For this I am going to ask her out. Of course, I will have to get to her village first. Follow the route, I got there quicker than I thought. Not like in the city, here seems prosperous. Too many people on the street wandering about. Vendors by the road fix their eyes on me, make me remember I forgot not to wear "city" clothes.

"What's your name? A man wearing a red t-shirt grabs at my shoulder. I flinched, "Cyano." He laughed, "It's an ugly name for a proper citizen, you should be named as 'Cyanocobalamin', something that this. More complexity, isn't it?" This is not funny, "I don't get it, what do you want?" Now he's staring at me, "I want your clothes." "Okay."

I don't know why I accepted it, so quick. He gave me a suit of proper "villager" clothes to change, and a necklace with a purple gem. This suddenly reminds me of the RPG game I used to play, he is the NPC with a surprise gift.

"Is it real gem?" I couldn't bring myself to believe.

"Sure. I brought it back from southern China a long time ago."

"Wow!" I tried to find words, "but why?"

Flushed on the face, he blurted, "you trust me." That should be a good reason, I don't even have to doubt the words he said.

Rosa is not at the house, she is on shift. Follow the direction I find her by the shore.

"I can't believe it, you're a lifeguard!"

Under the warm sunshine, wearing a blue life jacket, she smiled.

"Could we go for a drink when  your turn is over?" She agreed.

"Lemonade?" "Lemonade."

"I like you." I said. Struck by the sudden straightforwardness, she gulped a mouthful. Suggesting she doesn't have any indication to speak, I show my boldness again, "I want a friend just like you."

Then she smiled. I can see this smile wasn't for the flattery. She opened her mouth, "what do you want?" I hesitated, can’t figure out why she asked in the case I’ve already said I want a friend just like her. Before I could say anything, she spoke again, "are you gay?"

I hesitated again. "I suppose you are." Now the table is turned, she's dominating the conversation. My glass cup emptied quicker than I thought.

I told her about the man I met on my way.

"How beautiful!" She is captivated.

"You want it?" She frowned, "It's yours, your gift. He fancied you."

I put it on my neck again, "China, must be a beautiful place."

"What made you think that?" "I don't know, I just wonder what made him go that far." "If you think it's far away, then it's far away."

"This is why I like you, you don't talk a normal person do." Now she's flattered, "tell me more."

"You are a poetess, perhaps you don't write, but speak out right away." "But I'm not a poetess."

"You just need to admit it." "Alright, I know you meant it."

I started to tell her about my fantasy. Suggest she hates the thought that she appears in another boy's daydream like all charming women do, but she smiles and nods, listening in patience. I'm amazed how different she is, and how much I like her uniqueness. And it appears we knew each other a long time ago, though I'm not so sure, maybe a thousand years ago, maybe in another life. For me, it's an instinct that I knew something happened a long time ago, many things, maybe I don't remember, however just somehow my thoughts in another dimension just certain about that. I don't hesitate when I met whomever gives me that feel, even though, I just met one for now, her.

I invited her to my house at night, I wanted to know more about her. She didn't hesitate to agree.

"I'll sleep on the bed, what do you think?" She blurted. "Of course you will," I'm trying to mimic her humour.

We drank some mate tea and had some chats, went to rest before midnight. I was the one who propose to rest, and I looked at her, thought she is growing to like me.

"Night." "Night."

This is not going to be an ordinary night, I thought so before I close my eyes, and somehow it came true. A strange dream is catching me, aware, no kidding, I'm too sober for this.

This is the place all beautiful fantasies start, I suppose. I'm standing on a lake's surface, in other words, I'm above a mirror. Am I in Uyuni salt lake? There are no clouds, no wind, just blue and white, and my reflection, oh come on, this is just a dream, here is nowhere real. It's beautiful here but a little boring, oh I'm starting to get bored. Wait? I see a red dot, moving, growing bigger, it... no, it's a person, holding a red umbrella, that typical sort made of paper and wood. She is wearing red all over too. As she gets closer I could make out that she is a Chinese woman, I don't know how I get this conclusion but just so sure.

She opens her red lips, so red for the surrounding blue, "Ni-Hao."

Yeah she is a Chinese. "Who are you?" She smiles in a mysterious way, "Nietzsche."

Singing Snowberg (雪山在唱歌)为《蓝》系列的第二卷,首发为英文。第一卷为《外婆的玫瑰》。为本人原创作品,版权©所有。



    本文标题:雪山在唱歌| C1 Frost Forest <2>
