As he spoke, we turned down a narrow lane and passed through a small side-door, which opened into a wing of the great hospital. It was familiar ground to me, and I needed no guiding as we ascended the bleak stone staircase and made our way down the long corridor with its vista of whitewashed wall and dun-coloured doors.
Whitewash is a mixture of lime or chalk and water that is used for painting walls white. (粉刷用的) 石灰水, 白涂料(应该就是我们说的腻子)
Something that is dun is a dull grey-brown colour. 暗棕灰色的
There was only one student in the room, who was bending over a distant table absorbed in his work. At the sound of our steps he glanced round and sprang to his feet with a cry of pleasure. “I’ve found it! I’ve found it,” he shouted to my companion, running towards us with a test-tube in his hand.
“I have found a re-agent which is precipitated by hoemoglobin, and by nothing else.” Had he discovered a gold mine, greater delight could not have shone upon his features.
这里有一个书中注释hoemoglobin拼写应该是haemoglobin ,同样后文还有注释221B(b应该小写其实不用刻意纠结,反而成了一种特别的周边保留了下来)。
“How are you?” he said cordially, gripping my hand with a strength for which I should hardly have given him credit. “You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive.”
“How on earth did you know that?” I asked in astonishment.
经典桥段,见面识人。福尔摩斯的瞳孔一定是扫一扫。所以后文华生对斯坦弗说真不知道他怎么知道我去的阿富汗,不过以后成了室友我一定会更好的了解他时,斯坦弗给出了暴击否定You’ll find him a knotty problem, though. I’ll wager he learns more about you than you about him. (你还没研究透他,他已经对你了如指掌了)
Don’t you see that it gives us an infallible test for blood stains. Come over here now! I add this small quantity of blood to a litre of water. You perceive that the resulting mixture has the appearance of pure water. The proportion of blood cannot be more than one in a million. I have no doubt, however, that we shall be able to obtain the characteristic reaction.
福尔摩斯一见面没有讨论租房的事,而是拉着前来的两位开始他的实验。验证有了这个对blood反应的试剂,criminal cases中的bloodstain就不会轻易被其他污渍所混淆。毕竟这是19世纪末的故事,科技医疗的条件与现在不能同日而语。
所以书名叫做A Study in Scarlet应该就是与这个实验有关系。突然想起尼尔盖曼还有一本书叫做绿字研究......
The old Guiacum test was very clumsy and uncertain. So is the microscopic examination for blood corpuscles. The latter is valueless if the stains are a few hours old. Now, this appears to act as well whether the blood is old or new. Had this test been invented,there are hundreds of men now walking the earth who would long ago have paid the penalty of their crimes.
The old Guiacum test有翻译成古老的树脂测试,也有译为愈创木夜测试,这个倒不用纠结主要是clumsy一词用的太形象。
blood corpuscles 血细胞
Criminal cases are continually hinging upon that one point. ....Are they blood stains, or mud stains,or rust stains, or fruit stains, or what are they? That is a question which has puzzled many an expert, and why? Because there was no reliable test. Now we have the Sherlock Holmes’ test, and there will no longer be any difficulty.
Constitution,Criminal Law, Civil Law请自行查询。一提起法律,就想起罗翔老师。
many a +n. =many ns.前者谓动词用单数。
“You seem to be a walking calendar of crime,” said Stamford with a laugh. “You might start a paper on those lines. Call it the `Police News of the Past.’”
He held out his hand as he spoke, and I noticed that it was all mottled over with similar pieces of plaster, and discoloured with strong acids.
福尔摩斯的手给华生以震撼,大大小小的“创可贴”,深浅不一因为强酸腐蚀的皮肤。包括之前对于福尔摩斯情绪的震惊I remarked, considerably surprised at his enthusiasm.这样的人不成功才是奇怪的事情。
mottle: to colour with streaks or blotches of different shades 使有斑点
虽然mottle也有斑点的意思,但斑点带子案英文名称为The Speckled Band
“I have my eye on a suite in Baker Street,” he said, “which would suit us down to the ground. You don’t mind the smell of strong tobacco, I hope?”
I have my eye on a suite in Baker Street.可写作仿写
suit sb. down to the ground 太合适不过了,刚在温夫人的扇子中见到,印象很深She is just the woman for me. Suits me down to the ground.
Let me see — what are my other shortcomings. I get in the dumps at times,...
心情不好,情绪不佳除了用feel/get down in the dumps之外还可以用in bad mood, in bad temper
This is very piquant. I am much obliged to you for bringing us together.