(B)用副词的,又可分为(a)修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,(b)修饰名词,(c)修饰副词短语,(d)修饰全句,(e)作形容词用,(f)作名词用, 和(g)做补语用等七种译法。
(a) 修饰动词、形容词或其他副词
她听了那笑话开心地大笑。She laughed heartily at the joke.She speaks English remarkably well.
我现在已经准备好了。I am ready now.
她英语说得非常好。She speaks English remarkably well.
(b) 修饰名词
这事小孩子也能做。Even a child can do it.
圣人也不免有过。Even Homer sometimes nods.
智者千虑,必有一失。Even Homer sometimes nods. (注:nod 在这里是打瞌睡的意思)
已有大批人聚集在那里了。Quite a crowd had already gathered there.
唯有约翰知道这事。John alone knows about it.
你还要什么?What else do you want?
我也有烦心的事。I, too, have troubles.
(c) 修饰副词短语
我们及时到达。We arrived just in time.
我在战争结束后随即来到新加坡。I came to Singapore soon after the war.
正十点关大门。The gate is shut exactly at 10 o’clock.
他差不多快渡过河去了。He is almost across the river.
他环游了世界。He has traveled entirely around the world.
(d) 修饰全句
简单地说,事实就是这样。Briefly the facts are these.
很幸运地,我去时他正在家。Fortunately I found him at home.
确实你是错了。Certainly you are in the wrong.
他愚笨地把那鹅杀了。He foolishly killed the goose.
那真是一个好计划。That is an excellent plan indeed.
(e) 作形容词用
这是下行的车吗?Is this a down train?
在那边的那位绅士是他的父亲。That gentleman there is his father.
我在归途中遇到了他。I met him on my way back.
从这件事产生的不愉快情形,和吃了大肉的早餐,可能就是他对一般世界失去希望的原因吧。The unpleasant circumstances resulting from this together with heavy meat breakfasts, may probably have contributed to his desponding views of the world generally.
他一切都完了。All is over with him.
我们一定要想办法赶走这些苍蝇。We must do something to keep the flies off.
他把袜子穿反了。He put on his socks wrong side out.
(f) 作名词用
从这儿去有多远?How far is it from here?
今天是我的生日。Today is my birthday.
那个描写了人生的浮沉。It described the ups and downs of life.
(g) 做补语用
火熄灭了。The fire is out.
战争结束了。The war is over.
蔷薇开了。The roses are out.(= open)
幕已揭开。The curtain was up.
用动词短语的英文动词除了单字(如come等)及群字(如will come或will have come等)以外,还有动词短语(verb phrase),那是动词和其他词类,尤其是和名词结合而成的一种短语,常常另具特殊意义。例句如下:
你不应该拿你的小弟弟们来开玩笑。You should not make fun of your little brothers.
明天市公会堂要举行音乐会。A concert is to take place at the town hall tomorrow.
我们没有钱就生活不了。We cannot get along without money.
他跟不上讲课。He couldn’t keep up with the class.
我期待着你的回信。I look forward to receiving your reply.
你必得把所做的决定重新加以考虑。You must think better of your resolution.
我规定在晚饭前出外散步一回。I make a point of taking a walk before supper.
我不作弄天真老实的人。I don’t play a trick on innocent people.
他的脚有什么毛病。He has something the matter with his foot.
我和那件事没有关系。I have nothing to do with the matter.
(a) 独立不定式。这是用来修饰全句的,从语法上来说,它和主句毫无联系:
老实说,我并不喜欢他。To tell the truth, I do not like him.
他可谓一部活辞典。He is, so to speak, a walking dictionary.
使事情更糟的,天又下起雨来了。To make the matter worse, it began to rain.
其他独立不定式还有:to speak candidly, to be frank with you, to be sure, to return to the subject, to be brief, to make a long story short, strange to say, needless to say等等。
(b) 独立分词。它与主语也无任何文法上的关系,其形式有下列三种:
1. 分词前带有意味上的主语的:
太阳落山,孩子们回家去了。The sun having set, the children went home.
有他在此,便无危险。He being here, there is no danger.
工作做完,他们就回家了。The work done, they left for home.
春天来了,我们到公园去散步。Spring coming on, we go to gardens to take a walk.
他是我的长辈,我应当尊敬他。He being my elder, I should respect him.
2. 无人称的独立分词:
严 格 地 说, 他 并 不 算 一 个 爱 国 者。 Strictly speaking, he is not a patriot.
以 他 的 年 龄 而 论, 他 是 够 聪 明 的 了。 Considering his age, he is very clever.
从 各 方 面 来 考 虑, 他 的 命 运 是 幸 福 的。 Taking all things into consideration, his lot is a happy one.
其 他 如 judging from, talking of等 皆 是。
3. 由with引导的独立分词:
那小妇人慢慢前进,眼睛恶意地盯在那张粉红色的纸上。The little woman advanced slowly with her eyes fixed malevolently on the pink paper.
这个小村庄是位于平坦雄伟的牧场和麦田的中央,前有一列白杨树在风中摇曳。This little village was set midst flat breadths of pasture and corn-lands, with long lines of poplars on the foreground bending in the wind.
(c) 由表感情上的结果(resulting emotion)的“to”所引导的独立短语:
使我喜慰的,我发现他还活着。To my joy, I found him alive.
使我吃惊的,他居然把一切都说出来了。To my surprise, he confessed everything.
使我失望的,他竟然不同意我的计划。To my disappointment, he did not consent to my plan.
使我满意的,他终于解决了那个问题。To my satisfaction, he has solved the problem at last.
使他悲伤的,他知道他的父亲去世了。To his sorrow, he learned that his father was dead.