原文:7 Surprising Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water In The Morning
You may be used to drinking a cup of coffee or tea to wake you up in the morning. Some of you may opt for a glass of cool water to replenish you and get your morning started. These things may now be morning habits; however, it can be worth reconsidering how you start your morning because research shows that drinking warm water on an empty stomach offers the most health benefits.
Stella Metsovas, clinical nutritionist and media health expert in Food and Nutrition Sciences, says, “Physicians recommend drinking warm water in the morning, usually, with a polyphenol-rich lemon immersion, or with a tea shown to decrease free radical activity in the body.” Drinking warm water increases the tightening of the intestines, and this helps with digestion andregulates bowel movements.
Here are 7 beneficial things that will happen to your body when you start drinking warm water in the morning.
临床营养学和食品与营养科学媒体健康专家Stella Metsovas说:医生建议在早上的时候喝温水,最好是富含多酚的柠檬水,或者是茶水来减少体内的自由基活性。喝温水可以增加肠道的收紧,这有助于消化和调节肠道运动。
1. It Prevents premature aging
Nobody wants to age prematurely; however, the presence of toxins in the body can make aging faster a reality. When our body accumulates toxins, it becomes prone to illness and aging. Warm water can help cleanse the body from toxins. Furthermore, it can help repair skin cells which can lead to an increase in theelasticity of your skin.
2. It Alleviates pain
A potent natural remedy for easing the pain from menstrual cramps is warm water. It relaxes stomach muscles and helps alleviate menstrual pain. Moreover, warm water is an effective remedy for all types of cramps as it improves capillary circulation and helps to relax the muscles in the body.
3. It Helps with weight loss
You may be trying to lose weight and have heard that drinking a glass of warm water in the morning can be helpful. This is correct. Warm water increases your body temperature, which; in turn, increases your metabolic rate. An increase in metabolic activity gives the body the ability to burn more calories throughout the day.
If you start your day by drinking a glass of warm water with lemon, you will help your body break down the adipose tissue (or body fat) in your body. Warm water with lemon also controls food craving because lemon contains pectin fiber. Mestovas told Medical Daily, “Physicians recommend drinking warm water in the morning, usually, with a polyphenol-rich lemon immersion, or with a tea shown to decrease free radicalactivity in the body.”
4. It Improves digestion
If you drink a glass of warm water in the morning you will stimulate your digestive system and help your body to better digest and eliminate foods. Drinking cold water after meals can be counterproductive. Cold water solidifies the oils and fats in the food you have just eaten. This creates fat deposits and makes digestion more difficult. You are better off replacing that glass ofcold water with a warm one.
5. It Improves blood circulation
Accumulated deposits in the nervous system and fat deposits in the body are eliminated when you drink a glass of warm water. This process helps flush out the toxins that are present throughout the body, which; in turn, aids blood circulation. Warm water is also relaxing, helping the muscles loosen, eliminating poor circulation, andassisting blood flow.
6. It Aids constipation
Many of you have experienced the uncomfortable and irritating effects of constipation. This common stomach problem occurs when one has little or no bowel movement. Often, the cause is a lack of water in the body. If you begin your morning by drinking very warm water, before you have eaten anything, you can help improve your bowel movements, thus reducing the effects of constipation.
Metsovas says, “Women will always benefit because they [have] more hormones to contend with, makingconstipation more of an issue.”
7. It Induces sleep
When you sip warm water during meals, especially during dinner and before you go to bed, you will help your body relax and sooth your nerves. In turn, this can help induce sleep. It will also assist with stopping midnight cravings and lead to a feeling of rejuvenation in the morning.
当你在吃饭的时候喝一口温水,特别是在晚饭和睡觉前,它会使你的身体放松并舒缓你的神经,从而 有助于睡眠。睡前一杯温水还可以防止你在半夜的时候感到口渴,并且让你在早上醒来的时候恢复活力。
We have seen 7 surprising and amazing benefits that will happen to your body when you start drinking a glass of warm water in the morning. Start making a morning glass of warm water part of your routine and be sure to enjoy the revitalized feeling that you will experience.