The fantastic tourism attractions in Tokyo cover Mt Fuji which can be observed merely a third of the whole year while the rest of the days probably appears its splendid shape with the top covered with pure snow reflecting the saint sight.
Presently it frequently rains which has the unclear sky resulting in the unseen Mt Fuji.Whereas the ranges of other mountainous sights are appreciated by the surrounding leafy trees which reveals the magnetic oxygenated environment. The swans swim freely in the surface of the water along with the waves of fish eating the special food thrown by the tourists which enhances the pleasure of the interactive behavior.
Another recommended worthy trip is to the Disneyland in Tokyo where the splendid and luxurious castles impress you deeply . The creator of Disney was Walt Disney,whose statue is located at the obviously detective place with his admirable and productive character Micky Mouse. The style of castle resembles one of ancient Britain though it belongs to the USA.
The significance of the amusement resources the dynamic efficiency of the cartoons and are produced and performed so vividly due to the development of the design,the special sound,the colors and the movement which throw you into the virtual environment and explore the unique pictures. Occasionally you take the ride to enter an unknown and mysterious gate to be exposed to the starry night or horrible darkness accompanied by the terrifying howling. The ghosts suddenly hang over your eyes and almost capture you. The next moment the marvelous dance party is held where people sing and dance merrily dressed in elegant costumes.What thrilling impressions you are doomed to acquire in Disneyland Tokyo.