
作者: 章磊磊 | 来源:发表于2016-08-18 01:29 被阅读4574次

An Improved Mood and Mental Outlook


After exercise, one of the first things you will notice is an improved mental outlook. As the brain releases numerous chemicals to alleviate the symptoms of stress and physical pain, you will begin to benefit from enhanced mood levels and a more positive perspective on life. As a consequence of this, you will feel better equipped to take on challenges and solve problems, while finding it far easier to handle stressful circumstances and unforeseen setbacks.


Increased Energy and Physical Output


Lethargy is a physical trait commonly associated with depression, which is why inactivity often exacerbates this mental condition. One of the most obvious benefits of regular exercise is that it leads to increased energy levels, meaning that you have greater stamina and find it easier to complete daily tasks at work and at home. With a productive day behind you, it is also more likely that you will benefit from a genuine sense of accomplishment and contentedness.


A Healthier BMI and Body Image


Perhaps the most widely recognized physical benefit of regular exercise is controlled weight loss, which in turn has a direct impact on our appearance and levels of body confidence. With a regular exercise regime burning calories and creating a more streamlined figure, you will begin to benefit from improved self-confidence . The impact of this should not be underestimated, as those with a positive body image are more likely to live a happy and satisfied life.


A Greater Resistance to Disease and Illness


As you grow older, research suggests that you are more likely to develop conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. While this may be partially due to your age, however, your level of physical fitness is a far more influential factor in determining your condition as you grow older. In fact, regular exercise boosts your levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which build good cholesterol and reduces the presence of unhealthy triglycerides. These factors will help to combat the threat of disease, which in turn will you to maintain an active, busy and happy lifestyle.


The Last Word


Regardless of the science behind it, regular exercise has numerous benefits with regards to our mental health and outlook. Simply by committing to undertake 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise every single day, you can take steps towards enjoying a more active lifestyle that improves your levels of self-esteem, happiness and physical energy.



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  • bd206eebe192:坚持一件事本身就是一种成功 让好的坚持改变自己 不跟别人比什么 尽力而为就好
  • 7754477f398e:运动半年,心情得到了很大的改善,现在一不爽就出去跑5公里,然后回来发现。不开心的事儿貌似也没什么了,所以运动带给我最大的益处就是“开心”。我会坚持下去的。
  • 莺歌cc丶:今天是晨跑第二天。。。我就不想动了,咋整
    莺歌cc丶:@莺歌cc丶 强身健体并且培养这个习惯,因为我对事对物都三分钟热度😓
    宝瓶诺言:@莺歌cc丶 找到你跑步的初衷
  • c77d08209126:喜欢英语牛的人,😊
  • 336bd1c62db6:运动两个多月了,真心觉得运动很好。
    336bd1c62db6:@石灵 会的,一直在努力。
    章磊磊: @岁月零落化成诗 加油加油
    心晴来了:@岁月零落化成诗 加油
  • 绿萝潇潇:为什么第二天会觉得好累啊😱
    336bd1c62db6:@绿萝要折腾到底 累是正常的,你不会觉得太习惯,一个月后你会觉得怠倦。
  • 不归君:好厉害呀英语不错哟,,😘
  • c82d8b2d06fe:深有体会。站在不吃新钙中钙高钙片,毫不费劲,一口气爬9楼
  • 4b121b38b43a:今年爱上运动了,坚持
  • 韦叚:现在才深谙此道,所以开始了我的健身之旅
  • 猫叔高小高:写的不错呦
  • 夏栀丶:非常对。

