复习笔记之-The Hitchhiker 1

复习笔记之-The Hitchhiker 1

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2019-11-05 04:25 被阅读0次

The Hitchhiker 搭便车客

The Hitchhiker是选自成寒的一本书附录的广播剧。时间太老,对音质实在是无语。因为手误,台版和简体中文都买了。结果内容基本没什么两样。。。全长23分钟左右,共19章。听了有六遍,出笔记。是一个惊悚的灵异小故事,一个年轻人离家驱车在目的地的路上,一直被一个恶魔般的人如影随形,最后被这个搭车客弄得要精神混乱,打电话回家被告知自己已经死亡,母亲住院。随后发现自己在茫茫的公路上不知去向的故事。大部分的填空都做了出来,没做出的生词算是一部分,另一部分就是音效的杂音实在是后面也不想再听。不过这个广播剧做的还是比较棒的,很有气氛。

I'm in an auto camp on Route 66 just west of Gallup,New Mexico.(auto camp汽车营区,Route 66又称Highway 66,在新墨西哥州盖洛普的西边。几乎横跨美国东西两岸的公路,长达2400英里,在1920-60年代,没有高速公路以前,是美国人主要的旅行要道。挺有名的。另外常见的是Highway 1,美国加州沿着海岸的一条高速公路,不过晚上就不要出来了,很不安全。)

I‘m running a slight temperature.有点发烧

Buick别克,路虎landrover 以前还见过:Rolls-Royce

I know that I’m at this moment perfectly sane,that it's not me who's gone mad,but  sth. else , sth. utterly beyond my control.失控

Six days ago I left Brooklyn to drive to California .(注意介词to,下个月要集中时间过语法了。布鲁克林离纽约很近,是它的卫星城市。或者说纽约的布鲁克林区。)

I do hate to see you go.

I'll only be on the coast 3 months.(加利福尼亚州位于美国“西岸 west coast)

Promise me, you'll be extra careful. ----You'd think I'm still 17,to hear you talk.

Wire me as soon as you get to Hollywood, wont you ,son?(那个时代还没有手机,电脑,电话也是转接。所以电报还是有用的)

I wish you weren't driving.依旧是假设语气,实际上儿子已经决定自己开车去,这个行为不会改变

There you go again.又来了

It's just 8 days of perfectly simple driving on smooth ,decent, civilized roads with a hot dog or a hamburger stand every ten miles.

I was in fine spirits (复数)-drive ahead of me, even the loneliness seemed like a lark. But I reckoned without him.(寂寞也像云雀般嬉戏lark 云雀。但他不在我预料之中)

Crossing Brooklyn Bridge that morning in the rain,I saw a man leaning against the cables.(其实主人公在这里就已经出车祸死亡了。但是他不知道。cable 钢索,纽约布鲁克林大桥两侧是一根根钢索构建的)

There were spots of fresh rain on his shoulders.

a cheap ,overnight bag旅行包

He was thin ,nondescript with a cap pulled down over his eyes.(人很瘦,长相平凡,nondescript 无明显特征的)

the Pulaski Skyway (over the Jersey Flats):turnpike,freeway ,tollway 均指高速公路,但是highway指一般公路(泽西平原的保拉斯基高速公路)

I thought probably one of those fast trucks had picked him up,beaten me to the Skyway.(beaten me超过我,超车)

It was on the new Pennsylvania Turnpike between Harrisburg and Pittsburgh.在哈里斯堡和匹兹堡之间新辟的宾尼法尼亚高速公路上。

a very high speed limit 高限速

He helloed to me this time.

I stepped on the gas like a shot.踩油门

Fill'er up 加满油

Not a drop of rain all week.

I suppose that hasn't done your business any harm.

There aren't any pleasure cars out on the turnpike like this season of the year.

A guy'd be a fool who started out to hitch rides on this road.

the toll-house 收费站

It'd be a mighty long ride .Most cars wouldn't want to pick up a guy for that long a ride. This is pretty lonesome country here, mountains and woods.这是一条漫长的旅程。人烟罕至的地带

It's just a technical question.只是随便问问

Zanesville ,Ohio 俄亥俄州的曾斯维尔

The peaceful Ohio fields ,brown with the autumn stubbles,(秋天麦田残株)gleaming in the golden light. I was driving slowly, drinking it in(浸饮阳光),when the road suddenly ended in a detour.(detour -n.绕道而行)

He hailed me.向我打招呼

He was as drab (单调的,土黄色的)as a mud fence,nor as his attitude menacing .(单调的像土墙,态度也没什么威胁)He nearly stood there waiting, almost drooping a little.(drooping--adj.垂头丧气的)

dread the sight惧怕

unbeatable 难以忍受的

unspeakably 无法形容地,极度地

sell sandwiches and pop(pop不含酒精的饮料,pop soda 汽水)

You've been taking a nip(喝了酒)

in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri 密苏里州的欧札克山

The few resort places there were closed ,(几处关闭的度假地方),only an occasional log cabin,seemingly deserted.(遗弃的小木屋)monotony 单调的


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