Strong as A Mother丨为母则刚

Strong as A Mother丨为母则刚

作者: 寒士三鸿 | 来源:发表于2019-03-19 11:04 被阅读8次

She is Laoxie's wife, an ordinary mother with one son.

On March 17th, Abao and I, by the invitation of Laoxie, visited Laoxie's new apartment, which was purchased two years ago. Laoxie's family just moved in. We were there to celebrate his "Day of moving in the new apartment". When we arrived, Laoxie chatted with us while his wife was busy with cooking dishes all by herself. Seeing this, I went to kitchen, trying to be a helper, yet she pushed me out and said that it would make your coat dirty. I was a little embarrassed, since she is just a small figure but very determined.

As time went by, we viewed each bedroom, the kitchen, sitting room, decoration style and so on. Then Laoxie's wife finished cooking and came out of the kitchen. On the table there were six dishes. During lunchtime, she took care of the five-year-old son firstly. After lunch, she washed all dishes. Maybe she was totally exhausted, she just said"let me take a break, I will make the fruits prepared soon". Then she lay down in the couch chatting with us for a while.

"As a mother, I have to be strong. I work every weekday and pick up my kid after school. His grandparents never help. We raise up our kid all by ourselves" she aired her grievances in her tone. However, there was no fear in her eyes.

"We have to depend on ourselves on everything. You see, everything goes well. "

Life sucks.

Facing the disastrous and troublesome world, she opted to brave it, stamped down under her feet.

Thoughts are haunting in my head. It's hard to have a baby raised up. My wife and I are not ready for a baby financially and spiritually.

Pieces of watermelon and bananas were well-prepared on the table when we are chatting.


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    本文标题:Strong as A Mother丨为母则刚
