无意中听了罗尔德大爷的The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me的有声书,叹为听止,太好听了。很久没有这么迷过有声作品了,由Hugh叔(Hugh Laurie)朗读。非常活泼可爱。于是暗戳戳下载了电子书准备翻一翻。挺短的,前后九章(有声书),连续听了两遍也不腻,里面的歌曲实在是让人忍俊不禁。
莫扎特第11章的曲子太熟了,但没什么难点。Symphony No.40, K.550, MVT 1莫扎特第四十交响曲第一乐章
12. Arrival In Rome 来到罗马
Wolfgang, go wait in the other room!
又出现了go do( go and do sth.)
Signor Leopold Mozart, you are suspected of hiding a criminal from the police of Rome.
an Italian man: usually used before a name as a title equivalent to Mr (意大利)男人
suspect sb. of doing
Our informants tell us that a certain Wolfgang Amadeo Mozart may have stolen from the Pope.
a certain Wolfgang Amadeo Mozart就如同a Mr.Li一样,类似中文中的一位李先生,这个时候是可以+a的
Pope:The Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church. (天主教) 教皇
You visited the Sistine Chapel yesterday evening?
the Sistine Chapel在天使雕像中出现过,西斯廷教堂,有兴趣可百度。梵蒂冈是一个城中国,很有意思。
13. Miserere Mei, by Allegri
《主啊,怜悯我》雷戈里奥·阿列格里( 谱)
to hear the choir sing.
A choir is a group of people who sing together, for example in a church or school. (教堂的) 唱诗班; (学校的) 合唱队, 合唱团
Then Signor ... how do you account for this music on your desk?
account for有占比例的意思,还有解释的意思explain。在盖茨比中刚复习到。
The sharp jut of a wall accounted for the detachment of the wheel, which was now getting considerable attention from half a dozen curious chauffeurs.
We were standing under the choir gallery.
You expect me to believe that a fourteen year old boy heard this music once and then wrote down the whole thing from memory?My son is fourteen and he can't even remember to feed the dog.
He has a special gift for music.
gift作为才能讲的时候常用a gift for
eg.As a youth he discovered a gift for teaching...