
作者: d65212c45023 | 来源:发表于2018-06-06 21:10 被阅读9次



    : almost or nearly

    —used to indicate that a number, amount, time, etc., is not exact or certain

    : very close to doing something

    Full Definition

    1 a : reasonably close to <about a year ago>

    b : almost <about starved>

    c : on the verge of — usually used with be and a following infinitive <is about to join the army> — used with a negative to express intention or determination <not about to quit>

    2 : on all sides : around

    3 a : in rotation

    b : around the outside

    4 : here and there

    5 : in the vicinity : near

    6 : in the opposite direction <face about> <the other way about>


    We're about ready to go.

    This one is about as bad as that one.

    That's about all I know at this point.

    Origin: Middle English, from Old English abūtan, from 1a- + būtan outside — more at but.

    First use: before 12th century

    Synonyms: around, round

    Antonyms: exactly, precisely




    —used to indicate the object of a thought, feeling, or action

    —used to indicate the subject of something said or written

    : as part of (someone or something)

    Full Definition

    1 : in a circle around : on every side of : around

    2 a : in the immediate neighborhood of : near

    b : on or near the person of

    c : in the makeup of <a mature wisdom about him>

    d : at the command of <has his wits about him>

    3 : engaged in <act as if they know what they're about — T. S. Matthews>

    4 a : with regard to : concerning <spoke about his past>

    b : concerned with

    c : fundamentally concerned with or directed toward <poker is about money — David Mamet>

    5 : over or in different parts of


    a poignant story about a young man who goes off to war

    about the hedge there was a picket fence

    First use: before 12th century

    Synonyms: apropos, apropos of, as far as, as for, as regards (also as respects), as to, concerning, of, on, regarding, respecting, touching, toward (or towards), in regard to, in respect to, in view of, with regard to, with respect to




    1 : moving from place to place; specifically : being out of bed

    2 : around 2

    First use: 1815




