
作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2019-08-18 15:46 被阅读3次

Chapter 4


I knew very well that in addition to the great planets--such as the Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Venus--to which we have given names, there are also hundreds of others, some of which are so small that one has a hard time seeing them through the telescope.

in addition to:除了,另外。相当于一个介词, to的后面+宾语

这里有些行星名称Jupiter 木星,Mars火星,Venus金星。

电影火星救援为The Martian (Martian是adj.火星的,也可n.火星人)


When an astronomer discovers one of these he does not give it a name, but only a number. He might call it, for example, "Asteroid 325."

astronomer n.天文学家,astronaut表示宇航员。后文还出现了the International Astronomical Congress,Astronomical表示天文学的



Astronomers are tracking an asteroid about the size of an aircraft carrier that on Tuesday will pass by Earth, within the moon's orbit, in the closest approach of such an object in a generation.



it is on account of the grown-ups and their ways. 出于大人的考虑方式

on account of 因为...由于... 语气较正式

Only from these figures do they think they have learned anything about him.


If you were to say to the grown-ups: "I saw a beautiful house made of rosy brick, with geraniums in the windows and doves on the roof," they would not be able to get any idea of that house at all.

geranium n.天竺葵,在芒果街有出现此生词

eg.Earl lives next door in Edna’s basement, behind the flower boxes Edna paints green each year, behind the dusty geraniums.

They are like that. One must not hold it against them. Children should always show great forbearance toward grown-up people.


hold sth against sb  对(某人)有看法, 歧视

forbearance 生词 n 忍耐,与开篇的indulgence照应。

To those who understand life, that would have given a much greater air of truth to my story.

这一段很生动,对于理解生命的人来说,这就会显得很真实。great air很喜欢这个搭配

And if I forget him, I may become like the grown-ups who are no longer interested in anything but figures . . .


So I fumble along as best I can, now good, now bad, and I hope generally fair-to-middling.

fair-to-middling 还行,过得去的 (reasonably good or reasonably well)(连字符可省)

eg. So you're going to Paris? How's your French? Oh, fair to middling.




"I think I'd better do the actual stealing," Hermione continued in a matter-of-fact tone. "You two will be expelled if you get into any more trouble, and I've got a clean record."


Chapter 5


The information would come very slowly, as it might chance to fall from his thoughts. It was in this way that I heard, on the third day, about the catastrophe of the baobabs.

这句话与第三章中It was from words dropped by chance that, little by little, everything was revealed to me.很相似

catastrophe n.灾难


This time, once more, I had the sheep to thank for it.


第七章中也出现了多亏那只羊,不过用的是thanks to,thanks to是较常用法

On the fifth day again, as always, it was thanks to the sheep,the secret of the little prince's life was revaled to me.

...and that even if he took a whole herd of elephants away with him, the herd would not eat up one single baobab.

a herd of一群

在盖茨比中曾出现过一群羊,是这么写的We drove over to Fifth Avenue, so warm and soft, almost pastoral, on the summer Sunday afternoon that I wouldn't have been surprised to see a great flock of white sheep turn the corner.

And I was obliged to make a great mental effort to solve this problem, without any assistance.

be obliged to dofeel obliged to do 均指 “不得不,只能去做某件事.”(也有责任义务在里面)

But seeds are invisible. They sleep deep in the heart of the earth's darkness, until some one among them is seized with the desire to awaken. Then this little seed will stretch itself and begin--timidly at first--to push a charming little sprig inoffensively upward toward the sun.


there is no harm in putting off a piece of work until another day. But when it is a matter of baobabs, that always means a catastrophe.





