Their stomachs felt like tubes of toothpaste that had been all squeezed out. Giant economy-sized tubes.
比如While Claudia stood crouched down waiting, the emptiness and the hollowness of all the museum corridors filled her stomach. She was starved. She spent her time trying not to remember delicious things to eat.
But she hurried less pulling her petticoat down over her head. She took good long whiffs of the wonderful essence of detergent and clean dacron-cotton which floated down with the petticoat.
Detergent is a chemical substance, usually in the form of a powder or liquid, which is used for washing things such as clothes or dishes. 洗涤剂; 去垢剂
She would have liked to wash everything in a good, strong, sweet-smelling detergent.(第三章)
While still at home they had removed all identification on their cases as well as their clothing. Any child who has watched only one month’s worth of television knows to do that much.
It was a janitor filling his bucket.
(mainly AM )A janitor is a person whose job is to look after a building. (建筑物的) 管理人, 看管人, 门房
He could hardly wait to tell Claudia. Claudia chose not to be amused on so empty a stomach.
They decided to join a school group for lunch at the snack bar. There were certainly enough to choose from. That way their faces would always be just part of the crowd.
比如:Breakfast food for breakfast, and lunch food for lunch.
或者Claudia informed Jamie that they should take advantage of the wonderful opportunity they had to learn and to study.
(the)Middle Age欧洲中世纪也称为Dark Age,很有名的历史阶段。
Italian Renaissance 意大利文艺复兴
Michelangelo 米开朗基罗
Leonardo da Vinci,达芬奇
But she thought she knew why he chose the Italian Renaissance....Her art teacher had said that the Renaissance was a period of glorification of the human form; as best she could figure out, that meant bare bodies.
bare means naked
Claudia and Jamie did not think that there was anything unusual about the size of the crowd. This was New York. Crowded was part of the definition of New York. (To many art experts, Saxonberg, crowded is part of the definition of the Italian Renaissance, too. ...)
Ladies’ arms draped with pocketbooks and men’s arms draped with coats formed a barrier as difficult to get through as barbed wire.
barbed wire(美)带刺铁丝网,固定表达
They stood leaning back with their necks stretched and their heads tilted away, way back, making a vain effort to see over the shoulders of the tall adult who always appears in front of them. Jamie could see nothing but the coat of the man in front of him. Claudia could see nothing but a piece of Jamie’s head plus the coat of the man in front of Jamie.
Once when his class had visited the fire department, his picture had been in the paper at home. He had bought seven copies of the paper and used that page for bookcovers. When the bookcovers began to tear, he covered the covers with Saran wrap.
Claudia was lost in remembrance of the beautiful angel she had seen.
(formal)A remembrance is a memory that you have of someone or something. 记忆; 回忆
be lost in remembrance 念念不忘
He chose to fight Claudia with the one weapon he had—the power of the purse. He answered, “We can’t afford a New York Times. It costs a dime.”
a dime :10 cents
Jamie liked the mummies even if he didn’t like lessons, so they walked together to the Egyptian wing.
The teacher sat on a folding stool.
footstool之前在小王子里见过--脚凳,这里 a folding stool表示折叠椅。
the teacher thought that he was planted in the audience to pep up the discussion;
pep up是动员的意思v.
pep talk就是动员讲话。
It caused Claudia to want to embalm Jamie in a vat of mummy fluid right that minute. That would teach him inconspicuous.
If a dead person is embalmed, their body is preserved using special substances. 对 (尸体) 进行防腐处理
inconspicuous(un-noticeable)出现了好几次,比如搡他那一下的时候Wouldn’t her brother ever learn inconspicuous? She shoved him.
After a short talk there, the guide bid them good-bye and mentioned that they might enjoy buying some of the museum pamphlets on Egypt.
goodbye是很口语的表达,bid sb. goodbye/farewell则很正式,带有文学色彩。
Crackers and roasted chestnuts in bed at night satisfied only a small corner of her hunger. Being hungry was the most inconvenient part of running away. She meant to eat heartily for every cent Jamie gave her. She bought macaroni and cheese casserole, baked beans, and coffee that morning. Jamie got the same.
Pasta 意面统称,Spaghetti 意大利面,细长的那种,超市很常见。Macaroni 通心粉(卷卷的那种),Farfalle 蝴蝶面
对比,法兰威勒太太写到You see, Saxonberg, Claudia had found the article about the statue too easily. She didn’t even look at the first section of the paper. I keep telling you that often the search proves more profitable than the goal.搜索的过程比目的更重要。
顺带又调侃了Saxonberg(两人似乎有些什么关系)I’m surprised, Saxonberg, that seeing my name in the paper in connection with Michelangelo didn’t bring even you to the museum. You would have profited more than you would have thought by that trip. Are photo albums of your grandchildren the only pictures you look at? Are you altogether unconscious of the magic of the name of Michelangelo?