His first instruction was to forget his homework; get ready for the trip instead. I wholeheartedly admire Claudia’s thoroughness. Her concern for delicate details is as well developed as mine.
He bit off a large corner of the list. The paper tasted like the bubble gum he had once saved and chewed for five days; it was just as tasteless and only slightly harder. Since the ink was not waterproof, it turned his teeth blue. He tried only one more bite before he tore up the note, crumpled the pieces, and threw them into the trash.
bubble gum以前见过,也提到过。
eg.) I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubblegums.(分开写合在一起写都可以)
Her note to Jamie even included a suggestion for hiding his trumpet when he took it out of its case. He was to roll it up in his extra blanket, which was always placed at the foot of his bed.
There was so much jostling and searching for homework papers and mittens that no one paid any attention to anything except personal possessions until they were well up the walk to school.
jostle: If people jostle you, they bump against you or push you in a way that annoys you, usually because you are in a crowd and they are trying to get past you. (在人群中) 挤, 推, 推搡
一般说熙熙攘攘,忙乱会用到bustle and hustle
If they were spotted, the plan was to go to school and fake out their schedules as best they could,having neither books in their bags nor musical instruments in their cases.
Otherwise, Claudia would have worried for fear the driver could hear her heart, for it sounded to her like their electric percolator brewing the morning’s coffee. She didn’t like keeping her head down so long. Perspiration was causing her cheek to stick to the plastic seat;
(formal) Perspiration is the liquid which comes out on the surface of your skin when you are hot or frightened. 汗; 汗珠[u]
Claudia saw then that his pockets were so heavy they were pulling his pants down. There was a gap of an inch and a half between the bottom hem of his shirt and the top of his pants. A line of winter white skin was punctuated by his navel.
“How come all your money is in change? It rattles.”
“Bruce pays off in pennies and nickels. What did you expect him to pay me in? Traveler’s checks?”
姐姐听见稀里哗啦的声音就问:what’s all that racket?racket是指喧哗声,不是球拍。
Your navel is the small hollow just below your waist at the front of your body. 肚脐; 脐
"O.K. O.K.,” Claudia replied. She was trying hard to remain calm, for she knew that a group leader must never lose control of herself, even if the group she leads consists of only herself and one brother brat.
brat可以理解为熊孩子。spoiled brat
Once again James Kincaid felt cheated. “The train! Can’t we even hitchhike to New York?”
“Hitchhike? And take a chance of getting kidnapped or robbed? Or we could even get mugged,” Claudia replied.
hitchhike搭便车,对这个词很有好感。因为豹豹的听书之旅其实就是从成寒的The hitchhiker开始的。
“Robbed? Why are you worried about that? It’s mostly my money,” Jamie told her.
“We’re in this together. Its mostly your money we’re using, but it’s all my idea we’re using. We’ll take the train.”
Claudia felt that having Jamie there was important. And his money and radio were not the only reasons. Manhattan called for the courage of at least two Kincaids.