George's Marvellous Medicine读书 7

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2019-11-13 18:14 被阅读0次



8. The Brown Hen

George stood in the farmyard looking up at the roof. The old farmhouse had a fine roof of pale red tiles and tall chimneys.


There was only a song-thrush sitting on one of the chimneypots, singing a song. The old wurzel’s got stuck in the attic.


A thrush is a fairly small bird with a brown back and a spotted breast. 鸫

wurzel是一种喂牛的甜菜。这里用old werzel来说姥姥,是多大的仇啊!

Suddenly a tile came clattering down from the roof and fell into the yard. The song-thrush took off fast fast and flew away.

Then another tile came down.

Then half a dozen more.


‘How’m I doing, boy!’ she shouted. ‘How’s that for a bash up?’

bash up有猛击的意思,这里是描述姥姥稀里哗啦弄破屋顶的这个举动。


A brown hen was pecking about in the yard close to where George was standing. The hen gave him an idea. Quickly, he uncorked the medicine bottle and poured some of the brown stuff into the spoon.


peck v.啄


eg.Her hands trembled so much that she could hardly undo the stopper, but she managed it in the end and poured a few drops into her brother’s mouth.

The effect was electric.

‘Oweee!’ shrieked the hen and it shot straight up into the air like a rocket. It went as high as the house.


‘You’ve done it in, you stupid boy!’ Grandma shouted. ‘That hen’s going to die! Your father’ll be after you now! He’ll give you socks and serve you right!’


done in 疲惫不堪

socks此处不是袜子,是拳头,一击。give sb socks就是揍某人,莫扎特中学过lecture sb也有教育某人的意思,不过前者是动手,后者是训斥。

It did jump. It jumped high in the air and turned a complete somersault, then landed back on its feet.‘It’s a circus hen!’ Grandma shouted from the rooftop. ‘It’s a flipping acrobat!’



看到circus不由自主想起了最近在间隙中读得The Only and Only Iwan,是一本相当好看的书,就是有点长,回来写个介绍。

acrobat:An acrobat is an entertainer who performs difficult physical acts such as jumping and balancing, especially in a circus. (尤指马戏团的) 杂技演员

But there was a difference between the way the hen was growing and the way Grandma grew. When Grandma grew taller and taller, she got thinner and thinner. The hen didn’t. It stayed nice and plump all along.


You can describe someone or something as plump to indicate that they are somewhat fat or rounded. 丰满的

‘It’s not as tall as me!’ Grandma sang out. ‘Compared with me, that hen is titchy small! I am the tallest of them all!’



eg.Titchy little snapperwhippers like you should not be higgling around with an old sage and onions who is hundreds of years more than you.





    本文标题:George's Marvellous Medicine读书 7
