George's Marvellous Medicine读书 8

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2019-11-14 18:04 被阅读0次


    9. The Pig, the Bullocks, the Sheep, the        Pony and the Nanny-goat

    The first thing she saw was the gigantic brown hen towering over little George. She dropped the bottle of milk.

    Then Grandma started shouting at her from the rooftop, and when she looked up and saw Grandma’s head sticking up through the tiles, she dropped the bag of groceries.



    Someone or something that towers over surrounding people or things is a lot taller than they are. (比周围的人或物) 高出许多; 屹立

    看到grocery这个词,想起以前的口语练习。I am going to the grocery store.

    the grocery store并不单指我们说的杂货铺,更多是指菜市场,买食材买菜的地。去菜市场用go grocery shopping即可。

    ‘But how in the world did you get up on the roof?’ cried the mother.

    in the world没有什么意义,在此处是为了加强语气。

    This was too much for George’s mother to understand. She just goggled and gaped.

    If you goggle at something, you stare at it with your eyes wide open, usually because you are surprised by it. (常指吃惊地) 瞪大眼睛看

    Mr Kranky was a small man with bandy legs and a huge head. He was a kind father to George, but he was not an easy person to live with because even the smallest things got him all worked up and excited.


    bandy legs罗圈腿

    be kind to :friendly

    work up 此处应该类似bolster or strengthen比较容易激动。

    ‘Look at me!’ Grandma shouted from the rooftop. ‘Never mind about the hen! What about me?’


    ‘Come with me!’ Mr Kranky yelled, grabbing George by the arm. ‘Bring the medicine! For years and years I’ve been trying to breed bigger and bigger animals. Bigger bulls for beef. Bigger pigs for pork. Bigger sheep for mutton…’



    看到by the arm就忍不住想到盖茨比,再来一次当时的例句。

    eg. when we stopped by the ashheaps he jumped to his feet and, taking hold of my elbow, literally forced me from the car.

    They went to the pigsty first.


    (mainly Brit)A pigsty is an enclosed place where pigs are kept on a farm. 猪圈; 猪栏 [in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 pigpen] 结尾发音ai 不是i


    trough 食槽,上一章出现的water-trough 水槽


    He walked slowly to his food trough and sniffed to see if anything had been overlooked at lunch. (食槽)

    10. A Crane for Grandma


    在功夫熊猫中the Furious Five就有(crane),毒蛇(viper),老虎(Tigeress),猴子(monkey),螳螂(mantis)

    She wanted to be the centre of attention and nobody was taking the slightest notice of her.

    ‘Hey you!’ she yelled. ‘George! Get me a cup of tea this minute, you idle little beast!’


    If people who were working are idle, they have no jobs or work. 无事可做的; 闲散的


    ‘Don’t listen to the old goat,’ Mr Kranky said.

    ‘She’s stuck where she is and a good thing, too.’


    后文还出现了‘She’s a pain in the neck,’ Mr Kranky said.

    pain in the neck

    讨厌鬼,烦心事(英国英语亦用a pain in the arse, a pain in the backside等,美国英语亦用a pain in the ass, a pain in the butt等,但多数人认为具冒犯意味)


    It had not made her any less grumpy or bad-tempered, but it seemed to have cured all her aches and pains, and she was suddenly as frisky as a ferret.

    ...This ancient old hag, who was now as tall as a house, then galloped about the farm on the gigantic pony, jumping over trees and sheds and shouting, ‘Out of my way! Clear the decks! Stand back, all you miserable midgets or I’ll trample you to death!’ and other silly things like that.


    ferret: A ferret is a small, fierce animal which is used for hunting rabbits and rats. 雪貂 (用以捕兔、捕鼠)







        本文标题:George's Marvellous Medicine读书 8
