抛媚眼的英语居然是“make (sheep's) eyes at”。
make sheep's eyes at。She was making eyes at him all evening.一晚上她不住地向他抛媚眼。
separate the sheep from the goats 分出优劣
The uphill stages of the race will really separate the sheep from the goats.
sheep指的是“绵羊”: grass-eating farm animal that is kept for its wool and its meat”。sheep含有褒义,可以表示“好人”,也常指害羞而忸怩的人。
goat指的是“山羊”:an animal a little like a sheep that can climb steep hills and rocks”。goat含有贬义,可以表示“坏人”。
convey one's love by stealing a look
steal a look的意思可不是偷窃,它表示“偷看一眼”。这个算是非常直译了。
give sb the (glad) eye
He is give the glad eye to every voter. 他对每一个投票人都在频送秋波。
The woman at the next table is give him the glad eye. 坐在旁边桌子那儿的女子向他抛媚眼。
flash amorous/flirtatious glances at sb
amorous adj. 多情的;表示爱情的;恋爱的
flirtatious adj. 调情的;轻佻的
He tried in a hundred ways to convey his own feelings,casting arch glances at them.
make secret overtures to sb.
overture n/v.提议;提案;主动表示;序曲
make (sheep's) eyes atSo he's been making overtures, has he?