

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2019-09-28 01:25 被阅读0次



Chapter 4

The President

Half a mile back, Shuckworth, Shanks and Showier were keeping the television camera aimed all the time at the Glass Elevator.


In his study in the White House sat Lancelot R. Gilligrass, President of the United States of America, the most powerful man on Earth.

这里是president的名字,Gilligrass所以后面有个他的小发明是the Gilligrass Left-handed Corkscrew 其实就是Gilligrass牌左手螺丝锥

The entire Cabinet was present. The Chief of the Army was there, together with four other generals. There was the Chief of the Navy and the Chief of the Air Force and a sword-swallower from Afghanistan, who was the President’s best friend.



present adj.出席的,到场的,重音在第一个音节。

The bottle of whiskey — a second one — was now in constant demand by all present, excepting Catherine,...(出自盖茨比第二章)

There was the President’s Chief Financial Adviser, ...

首席财政顾问,这里用的是adj.而CFO全称则是Chief Finance Officer

Miss Tibbs was the power behind the throne. She stood no nonsense from anyone.

Miss Tibbs虽然是Vice-President,其实在美国这个职位是偶尔的半票权利,有点鸡肋的位置。但文中就不一样了,Miss Tibbs可是幕后大佬,并且不能容忍愚蠢的错误。

She was the terror of the White House and even the Head of the Secret Service broke into a sweat when summoned to her presence.


‘Silence, you silly boy!’ said Miss Tibbs, and the Chief of the Army slunk into a corner.


‘No, ma’am, not yet,’ said the Chief Spy, beginning to twitch.


There was absolute silence now in the Presidential study.



Oval Office 美国总统办公室,新闻中会见到

东翼供游客参观(每周二至周六开放),西翼是办公区域,总统的椭圆形办公室(Oval Office)位于西翼内侧。主楼底层有外交接待大厅,厅外是南草坪,来访国宾的欢迎仪式一般在这里举行。(出自有道)

The Chief of the Army was wearing so many medal-ribbons they covered the entire front of his tunic on both sides and spread down on to his trousers as well.

medal-ribbons 奖章绶带

A tunic is a sleeveless garment that is worn on the top part of your body. 无袖上衣

‘Here, sir, Mr President, sir!’ said the Chief Spy.

He had a false moustache, a false beard, false eyelashes, false teeth and a falsetto voice.

因为他是spy所以一切都是伪装,关键是a falsetto voice太搞笑了。

If a man sings or speaks in a falsetto, his voice is high-pitched, and higher than a man's normal voice. (男高音的) 假声

'Go on, sir! You’re getting warm!'

‘You’re hot, sir! You’re boiling hot! Go on!’

‘Well done, sir!’ said the Chief Spy.


‘Not sure, but it’s certainly a warm possibility, Mr President. After all, Mr Hilton’s got hotels in just about every country in the world but he hasn’t got one in space. And we have. He must be madder than a maggot!’

谁想占领太空旅馆呢?结论是希尔顿,哈哈哈。当然Miss Tibbs还是很有智慧的。‘It’s bound to be the Russians,’ said Miss Tibbs.请结合那个时代的太空计划来读,真的槽点满满。

补充一个小点,大部分有名字的建筑,地区是+the的,比如小王子里的the Sahara Desert,四大洋中的the Atlantic Ocean等等,所以希尔顿酒店我们也会说the Hilton Hotel


‘Warren who?’

‘Warren Peace by Leo Tolstoy,’ said the President.

这里是双方在对暗号,很有意思, Leo Tolstoy是托尔斯泰。Warren Peace故意将那本书改成了人名。

‘Great garbage!’ cried the President, slamming down the red phone and picking up a porcelain one.


‘Wing’s Fish and Vegetable Store in Shanghai,’ said a small distant voice. ‘Mr Wing speaking.’

豹豹第一次见差点以为是鱼翅,鱼翅这道菜其实是shark fin soup,取自shark's fin很残忍啊。


The President sucked in his breath sharply. He also sucked in a big fly that happened to be passing at the time. He choked. Miss Tibbs thumped him on the back. He swallowed the fly and felt better.


fly 苍蝇

‘Stay well clear of them, Shuckworth,’ ordered the President. ‘There’s no point in getting your boys blown up as well.’


常用搭配见过好几次了,牢记no point in doing  , no need to do写作可用。




