“I am very grounded, just not on this earth,” was one of numerous bon mots from Karl Lagerfeld, who died on February19th. Mr Lagerfeld, born in Hamburg 85years ago, may not have felt he belonged on this planet but he knew very well what its wealthier inhabitants wanted to wear. As one of the great artists of French couture alongside Christian Dior, Coco Chanel andYves Saint Laurent, Mr Lagerfeld made Chanel, where he was creative director for over 35 years, the multinational brand it is today. His death will ensure that Parisian gossips, alreadyabuzz with rumours about the future of the fashion house, will have plenty to chat about.
I am a grounded person, but I also chase my dream if given the chances我是个脚踏实地的人,但机会到来时我也会追逐我的梦想【写作推荐】词义精析运用
bon mots:妙语隽言【写作推荐】词组积累
born in:出生于哪个地方;如果是burn on后面接的是具体的日期,如burn on February 23rdin 2019
alongside:与…一起;与…同时together with or at the same time as sth/sb 如traditional beliefs still flourish alongside a modern urban lifestyle。现代城市生活方式盛行的同时,传统信念仍然大行其道。【写作推荐】词义精析运用
Christian Dior:克里斯汀·迪奥(是著名法国时尚消费品牌,一直是炫丽的高级女装的代名词)
Coco Chanel:可可·香奈儿(法国奢侈品品牌)
Yves Saint Laurent:伊夫圣罗兰(世界知名奢侈服饰品牌,始于1962年)
creative director:创意总监
made sth it is today:成就了某事今日的面貌,地位等【写作推荐】词组积累
Parisian gossips:传播于巴黎人间的流言蜚语。-ian代表人。Paris是巴黎
abuzz with:充斥。着abuzz是“嘈杂的,热闹的”的意思。Abuzz with sth,形容某事在耳旁聒噪,嘈杂,很形象的描述了流言充斥于耳,议论纷纷的情况【写作推荐】词组积累
“我是个理性的人,只是这个我不在地球上。”这是于今年2.19日离世的卡尔·拉格菲尔德(Karl Lagerfeld,国际知名品牌香奈儿艺术总监 (老佛爷))众多妙语隽言之一。85年前出生于德国汉堡的老佛爷可能并不觉得他属于这个星球,但他很清楚地知道地球上较富有的人们喜欢穿什么。作为法国时装设计、克里斯汀·迪奥、可可·香奈儿和伊夫圣罗兰的艺术大师,通过35年香奈儿创意总监身份,老佛爷成就了香奈儿今天的跨国品牌地位。他的离世,无疑会让早已被香奈儿的未来何去何从的流言充斥于耳的巴黎人,有更多的谈资。
Chanel’s owners, Alain and Gérard Wertheimer, owe their vast fortune to Mr Lagerfeld’s tenureat the fashion house. When the brothers hired him to take over, the brand had become “old hat” in Mr Lagerfeld’s words. The boxy suits that had been Coco Chanel’s signature design appealedmostly to middle-aged women. Mr Lagerfeld modernised the Chanel look with longer, thinner lines and snazzy details. A workaholic, he hardly ever took time off, designing around 14 collections a year ranging from couture to high-street fashions. “To design is to breathe, so if I can’t breathe, I’m in trouble,” he often said.
Owe vast fortune to:
owe sth to sb 欠某人某物。I owe ten thousand yuan to you我欠你1万元。
a fortune:巨款,本身就代表了钱有很多,vast更说明钱的数量之大。还可以说a big fortune【写作推荐】词组积累
tenure:任期,任职。One’s tenure at a company在某公司的任职期间;one’s tenure as a teacher in university在某大学做教师【写作推荐】词义精析运用
fashion house:时装公司;时尚屋。这里指的是香奈儿公司
take over:接管;继承。
Take over a company接管一家公司;
Take over their parents businesses继承他们父母的生意【写作推荐】词组积累
old hat:陈腐之事,过时的东西【写作推荐】词组积累
appealed to someone:吸引某人 appeal to someone = to attract or interest someone 【写作推荐】同义互换
middle-aged women:中年女性。中年人的表达:a middle-aged person
A workaholic:工作狂【写作推荐】简单地道表达
hardly ever:几乎从来不。hardly 是几乎不的意思,ever 表示永远。另外有两组词学生时代经常讲解【写作推荐】词组积累
1:……hardly when……:刚……就……,如I asked my husband hardly when he opened the door先生刚把门打开我就问道。
2:……no sooner than……:意义同上,如The telephone rang no sooner than he had come into the house他刚一进屋,电话铃就响了。
high-street fashions:high-street是大街的意思,大街上的流行款式即大众时尚
香奈儿所有人阿兰.维德摩尔(Alain Wertheimer)和热拉尔.维德摩尔(Gerard Wertheimer在老佛爷任职期间欠了他很大一笔钱。当他们聘请老佛爷接管这家公司时,这家公司的品牌在其口中变成了“过时的东西”。过去,作为香奈儿象征性设计的四四方方的套装吸引的大多数都是中年妇女。老佛爷用更长、更纤细以及更时髦的设计细节使得香奈儿更现代化。作为一个工作狂,他几乎从不休息。他每年大约产出14套设计,内容范围从高级时装设计到大众流行时尚。他过去经常说:“设计就是呼吸,如果我不能再呼吸了,我就遇到麻烦了。”
The extravagant and costly fashion shows for which Chanel became renowned also had a purpose. A 115-foot rocket that simulated a blast-off surrounded by models, or a fake supermarket stocked with Chanel washing powder, ketchup and pasta, created a stir whichhelped not only the sales of exquisite, expensive frocks but also hugely profitable accessoriessuch as sunglasses and perfume. Those around him also had an unusual instinct for the fashion business. Jacques Helleu, the firm’s long-serving head of marketing, understood the importance of protecting a luxury brand. Chanel fought for its intellectual property long before other fashion houses realised the importance of doing so.
extravagant and costly:奢侈昂贵的。两个词都可以表示“昂贵的,价高的”意思
renowned:renown 名誉,声望。Renowned as/for sth 作为……/因……而闻名。可以和known as/for进行同义替换【写作推荐】同义替换
simulate:~ sth 假装、冒充
stocked with:stock with 贮备、贮存
washing powder, ketchup and pasta:洗衣粉,番茄酱和意大利面
stir:震动,轰动excitement, anger or shock that is felt by a number of people.
Create a stir 或者 cause a stir 都是引起轰动的意思。 【写作推荐】词组积累
另外在02-21《与情绪有关的表达》中有:the teenagers taking part in Chicago’s Becoming a Man (BAM) initiative admit to a variety of frustrations, some trivial, some tragic, that can stir their anger.触怒某人。这里的stir 作为动词,是激起的意思
help the sales of sth:帮助……的销售。或者也可以说improve the sales of sth 提高……的销量【写作推荐】词组积累
hugely profitable:利润丰厚的。Hugely是极大程度上,极其地,同义可替换largely或extremely【写作推荐】同义替换
had an instinct for/to do:对……有本能、天赋。
She has an instinct for language她在语言方面有天赋。
同义词有have a gift for sth或者be gifted in sth,如She is gifted in language【写作推荐】同义替换
head of marketing:市场部主管。Head of sth……的主管,首脑
intellectual property:知识产权,知识财产
香奈儿闻名的昂贵时装表演也有其目的。一个被模特围绕的模仿起飞的115英尺火箭,或是一个假的,堆满洗衣粉,番茄酱和意大利面的巨大商场,这些都引起过轰动,并有助于精致而昂贵的女装以及利润丰厚的配饰,如太阳镜和香水的销售。那些在老佛爷身边的人也拥有对时尚业不寻常的直觉。公司长期任职的市场部主管贾克海卢(Jacques Helleu)明白保护一个奢侈品牌的重要性。香奈儿早在其他时装公司之前就知道了要为保护知识产权作斗争。
Chanel’s cash and cachet are attractive propositions. Bernard Arnault, the boss of Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton (lvmh), the world’s biggest luxury-goods group, is said to have coveted Chanel for years. Philippe Blondiaux, Chanel’s chief financial officer, last year denied any plans to sell or seek a stock market listing.
Cachet:威信,声望。同义词还有prestige, reputation, 以及上文3段中的renown【写作推荐】同义替换
Propositions:a thing that you intend to do 欲做的事。To meet your Mr right is not a simple proposition.遇见你的命中注定不是一件简单的事。这里指的是得到香奈儿的资金和声望是令人垂涎欲滴的事情。
Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton:酩悦·轩尼诗·路易威登奢侈品集团
coveted Chanel for years:对香奈儿觊觎多年。Covet sth 觊觎某物【写作推荐】词汇积累
chief financial officer:首席财务官
stock market listing:上市
香奈儿的资金和声望是诱人的。世界上最大的奢侈品集团,酩悦·轩尼诗·路易威登奢侈品集团的老板伯纳德·阿诺特(Bernard Arnault)据说对香奈儿以觊觎多年。香奈儿的首席财务官菲利普·布隆迪奥克斯(Philippe Blondiaux),去年否决了任何销售计划或者寻求上市。
An insider says the Wertheimer brothers had vowed to keep Mr Lagerfeld in his job until he died. Will the plans for Chanel now change? A sale still looks unlikely, according to Dirk Boventer of Atreus, a retail consultant. Alain, the chief executive, announced that Mr Lagerfeld would be succeeded by Virginie Viard, his closest and most trusted associate for some 30 years. Ms Viard will need to make a mark. Until she does, Chanel without Mr Lagerfeld is less of a trophy for potential investors.
vowed to:vow to do发誓要做某事
A sale:销售,出售。这里指的是出售股份
a retail consultant:零售顾问
the chief executive:总裁,首席执行官
be succeeded by:由……接替。Succeed 接替,继任。与上文2段中的take over可以互换。【写作推荐】同义替换
make a mark:字面意思是做个标记,留下印记。另外的意思表示为“做出一番可以让人铭记的事”to change something, or to do something important, so that people notice and remember you【写作推荐】词汇积累
is less of sth for someone:对某人来说不再是某物【写作推荐】词汇积累
一位业内人士说维特海默兄弟发誓会保留老佛爷的工作直到其离世为止,香奈儿现在的计划会改变吗?根据泰国护肤品公司Atreus的零售顾问Dirk Boventer所说,出售股份看起来仍不太可能。总裁Alain宣布老佛爷的位置会由维吉尼·薇娅德接任,她是老佛爷近30年来最亲密,也最信赖的助手。薇妮德需要做出一番事迹,在此之前,没有老佛爷的香奈儿对潜在的投资者来说将不再是一座值得捧得奖杯。
I am a grounded person, but I also chase my dream if given the chances我是个脚踏实地的人,但机会到来时我也会追逐我的梦想【写作推荐】词义精析运用
alongside:与…一起;与…同时together with or at the same time as sth/sb 如traditional beliefs still flourish alongside a modern urban lifestyle。现代城市生活方式盛行的同时,传统信念仍然大行其道。【写作推荐】词义精析运用
tenure:任期,任职。One’s tenure at a company在某公司的任职期间;one’s tenure as a teacher in university在某大学做教师【写作推荐】词义精析运用
appealed to someone:吸引某人 appeal to someone = to attract or interest someone 【写作推荐】同义互换
renowned:renown 名誉,声望。Renowned as/for sth 作为……/因……而闻名。可以和known as/for进行同义替换【写作推荐】同义替换
hugely profitable:利润丰厚的。Hugely是极大程度上,极其地,同义可替换largely或extremely【写作推荐】同义替换
had an instinct for/to do:对……有本能、天赋。
She has an instinct for language她在语言方面有天赋。
同义词有have a gift for sth或者be gifted in sth,如She is gifted in language【写作推荐】同义替换
Cachet:威信,声望。同义词还有prestige, reputation, 以及上文3段中的renown【写作推荐】同义替换
be succeeded by:由……接替。Succeed 接替,继任。文中另有
take over:接管;继承。Take over a company接管一家公司;take over their parents businesses 继承他们父母的生意。【写作推荐】同义替换
bon mots:妙语隽言【写作推荐】词组积累
made sth it is today:成就了某事今日的面貌,地位等【写作推荐】词组积累
abuzz with:充斥。着abuzz是“嘈杂的,热闹的”的意思。Abuzz with sth,形容某事在耳旁聒噪,嘈杂,很形象的描述了流言充斥于耳,议论纷纷的情况【写作推荐】词组积累
Owe vast fortune to:
owe sth to sb 欠某人某物。I owe ten thousand yuan to you我欠你1万元。
a fortune:巨款,本身就代表了钱有很多,vast更说明钱的数量之大。还可以说a big fortune【写作推荐】词组积累
old hat:陈腐之事,过时的东西【写作推荐】词组积累
hardly ever:几乎从来不 hardly 是几乎不的意思,ever 表示永远。另外有两组词学生时代经常讲解【写作推荐】词组积累
1:……hardly when……:刚……就……,如I asked my husband hardly when he opened the door先生刚把门打开我就问道。
2:……no sooner than……:意义同上,如The telephone rang no sooner than he had come into the house他刚一进屋,电话铃就响了。
stir:震动,轰动excitement, anger or shock that is felt by a number of people.
Create a stir 或者 cause a stir 都是引起轰动的意思。【写作推荐】词组积累
另外在02-21《与情绪有关的表达》中有:the teenagers taking part in Chicago’s Becoming a Man (BAM) initiative admit to a variety of frustrations, some trivial, some tragic, that can stir their anger.触怒某人。这里的stir 作为动词,是激起的意思
help the sales of sth:帮助……的销售。或者也可以说improve the sales of sth 提高……的销量【写作推荐】词组积累
coveted Chanel for years:对香奈儿觊觎多年。Covet sth 觊觎某物【写作推荐】词汇积累
make a mark:字面意思是做个标记,留下印记。另外的意思表示为“做出一番可以让人铭记的事”to change something, or to do something important, so that people notice and remember you【写作推荐】词汇积累
is less of sth for someone:对某人来说不再是某物【写作推荐】词汇积累
A workaholic:工作狂【写作推荐】简单地道表达
creative director:创意总监
a retail consultant:零售顾问
the chief executive:总裁,首席执行官
the chief financial officer:首席财务官
head of marketing:市场部主管。Head of sth……的主管,首脑
fashion house:时装公司;时尚屋。这里指的是香奈儿公司
high-street fashions:hihg-street是大街的意思,大街上的流行款式即大众时尚
extravagant and costly:奢侈昂贵的。两个词都可以表示“昂贵的,价高的”意思
help the sales of sth:帮助……的销售。或者也可以说improve the sales of sth 提高……的销量【写作推荐】词组积累
stock market listing:上市
A sale:销售,出售。这里指的是出售股份
hugely profitable:利润丰厚的。Hugely是极大程度上,极其地,同义可替换largely或extremely【写作推荐】同义替换