今日翻译打卡第十天,完成Unit Six汉译英部分。这一部分用简洁的语言平铺直叙地介绍了美国记者斯诺的经历。
优质译法:According to the study of huge amount of materials available by the present writer, it can be concluded that his addiction to travel indeed contributed to his rise as one of the most prestigious journalists in the 20th century.
技巧点拨:注意“笔者”可以译为“the present writer”。“他旅游成瘾的个性”直接译成“his addiction to travel”,可以把“个性”省略不译,因为中文多具体,英文多抽象,注意符合英文表达习惯。
一般译法:Maybe influenced by Mark Twain’s works, snow was a great fan of traveling and adventures since he was a little child.
优质译法:As a young boy, Snow, who might have been influenced by Mark Twain’s works, was very interested in travel and adventure.
技巧点拨:对过去情况的推测“might/ could / may + have + 过去分词”。
3.随着轰隆行驶的列车,他跨越了世界闻名的罗亚尔· 乔治大峡谷,观赏了大半个美国的山川秀水。
优质译法:With the rumbling of the train, he traveled across the world’s famous Royal Gorge and saw more than half of America’s spectacular landscapes.
4. 1928年2月15日,23岁的斯诺在没有告知家人的情况下,毅然登上开往远东的“雷德诺号”,开始了他的“周游世界”的梦想。
优质译法:On February 15, 1928, Snow, at the age of 23 then, resolutely boarded Thunder, a ship bound for the Far East, without informing his family, setting out to realize his dream of touring the world.
5. 重难点词组表达积累:
军事封锁 military blockade
冒险进入 venture into
报道 cover the news about
秘书长 secretary-general
只好 feel obliged to
投机 speculation
传奇经历 legendary travel experiences
人生道路 lifetime cause
不告而别 French leave