贝多芬住在我家楼上阅读 1

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2019-09-20 10:29 被阅读0次



1 贝多芬去世的那天


Monday, March 26, 1827.时间

The north wind blows and snow billows through the air.写景

Thunder claps above the empty streets.

(A clap of thunder is a sudden and loud noise of thunder所以这里搭配雷声)

It is a day that will go down in history.

A fine gentleman stands alone in a doorway.写人

His carriage awaits, but he does not move.

He waves the carriage on.

Tonight the gentleman will walk home.

Like many in Vienna, his eyes are full of tears.

Ludwig van Beethoven has died.事件(贝多芬全名)


They had come to pay their respects to the man who has written such beautiful music.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, nine priests blessed the composer's coffin and the funeral procession left Beethoven's house.场景

priest牧师,常见的还有minister, vicar, clergyman等等,都是阅读中见到的。具体区别豹豹就不大懂了。

The schools of Vienna were let out that day.


If you had looked carefully you might have spotted in the crowd, a boy with a serious face.

His name is Christoph, and he is my nephew.

And there was a time when he came to know Mr.Beethoven well.介绍了小主人公

I was a young man myself, a student of music in Salzburg.介绍了文中叔叔


其他生词: pallbearer 护灵柩者

2 一个疯子搬到了楼上


Symphony #5 - Movement I



Every morning at dawn Mr. Beethoven begins to make his dreadful noise upstairs.

Loud poundings and growlings come through the floor.钢琴的重击声和怒吼声

They are like the sounds of an injured beast.



He hums to himself, he growls out tunes, he waves his arms.


His pockets bulge with papers and pencils.

Hours later he comes home.

Sometimes he's soaked with rain.

He tracks mud through the hall.

Or long after the house is quiet for the night he comes in,pounding his way up the stairs above our heads.


The children run and call him names.所以孩子们看见疯疯癫癫的这位音乐家会跑在背后骂他。(莫名想起豪夫童话中的小矮子穆克)

I beg you to tell my mother to send Mr. Beethoven away.


疑问:在第一章中的确是He has died.


It's not HAS died. It's HAD died.

She had died is the past-perfect of "She is dead." But to me, it's applicable to everything "She died" can fit into.

"She had died while I was on my way to work."

"She died while I was on my way to work."

Anyway, just use the latter to sound more natural.

"She is dead." is the past tense.

"She is dead for three years now."


when I hear she had died, I just think "she is not akive anymore" But when I hear "she died" I wonder when. but.... in normal conversation you can hear "she died" in both cases. many people seem to avoid present perfect.




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