贝多芬住在我家楼上阅读 5

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2019-09-22 09:19 被阅读0次



8 音乐能改变世界

Moonlight Sonata, Op. 27 #2 Movement


Dear Uncle, Spring has come and gone and now it is summer.

He's gone to find a house where he will spend the hottest months.

I have been lying here thinking about something Mr. Schindler said.

He said, "Mr. Beethoven works so hard, because he believes that music can change the world."

9 和贝多芬一起散步

Flute Serenade, Movement 2


Serenade 小夜曲,一般来说小夜曲尤指男子在心爱的女子窗外演唱或演奏的小夜曲。很温柔,刚听了肖邦的小夜曲,不管是曲还是美声都值得一听。

Dear Uncle, Do you wonder where Mr. Beethoven goes in the afternoons?

Well, now I know and I will tell you the story. I'll start at the beginning.

at the beginning的反义词是at the end

注意in the end=finally不要混。

So I went outside again and sat in my usual place on the step.

He said to me, "The master needs new pencils" and off I went to the shop.

off I went倒装,是为了强调动作,更活泼一些。很常见。为什么Here comes the bus?是因为the bus是名词,不是代词,就这样。豹豹也是最近学到的。

When he laughs he sounds like a lion. So he took me with him on his walk.


We walked outside Vienna and into the tall woods, and then past the woods and into the fields.We stopped by a little brook.

brook:a small stream

10 吵闹又开始了

Symphony #6, storm



He didn't notice when clouds began to form.

The birds flew in circles above us.

The wind pulled at our coats. 风呼啦呼啦刮进我们的外套。

The sky got very black.

We stood beneath a tree and watched a storm.

And so, our house is in an uproar again.

If there is uproar, there is a lot of shouting and noise because people are very angry or upset about something. 喧闹; 吵闹; 鼓噪; 骚动

Someone has given him a new piano and there's been a lot of trouble getting it up the stairs.


A lot of people went in and out very late, and the more cheerful they became, the noisier andmore miserable it became for us.

They are called sopranos because they are singers who can sing very high.

soprano 女高音,这句话相当于做出了解释。


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