贝多芬住在我家楼上阅读 4

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2019-09-22 09:15 被阅读0次


6 爱音乐的维也纳

/Polonaise/La Marmotte/Country Dance in a Major/Fs



I believe he is showing him respect.


In Vienna, everyone loves music so much, that even a prince will treat carefully around a composer.

Have you ever noticed how much music there is in your city?


I went for a walk one morning, in fact, it was that morning I decided I would someday make my living there.

I was crossing the bridge near your house when I heard, approaching from the direction I'd come ...

a military band 军乐队的奏演

I stopped to listen.

When they had passed by, I continued to cross the bridge to find an organ grinder had stopped to listen, too.

an organ grinder :An organ grinder was an entertainer who played a barrel organ in the streets. 街头手风琴师

And there was more to hear that morning near the bridge.

I met, along the river bank, a troupe of country dancers.

troupe: A troupe is a group of actors, singers, or dancers who work together and often travel around together, performing in different places. 剧团(集体可数名词)

Farther on, I passed under a window and heard a little song come drifting out.

And I remember a little square.I could not tell you where it was, but I recall the sight of a small girl chasing pigeons.


There were two gentlemen meeting and shaking hands,and I remember the hour striking on a tall city clock.

The clock face opened and a tiny woodsman came running out, chased by a tiny fox.


这里还提到到了贝多芬的故乡--Bonn 波恩(德国的一个城市)。

7 不快乐的童年

Sonatina In G Major/Minuet In G



Dear Christoph, I have visited the place where Beethoven was born.It seems that the family is well remembered there.


They say that the grandfather was a musician – in charge of all the music at the palace here.

musician 音乐家

in charge of 掌管

But, Christoph, Mr. Beethoven was not a happy child.People who lived nearby remember hearing music, coming from the attic late at night.

但是贝多芬的童年并不快乐,突然想起学到的关于朗朗弹琴的片段。为了考上中央音乐学院Central Conservatory of Music而每天练琴的事。有一首歌叫做《别再犹豫去练琴,趁着我们还年轻》可以听一听。其实回过头看,小有成就的人们会感激这段黑暗时光。

He would make him practice his piano until dawn. And so the little Beethoven would practice all night, tired and cold, and crying as he played.


补:from dawn to dusk 从黎明到黄昏

He has four ear trumpets as well.


a trumpet-shaped instrument that amplifies sounds and is held to the ear: an old form of hearing aid (旧)助听筒

He wanted his uncle to take him to "The Dog of Montargis".

It's a famous show right now – its star is a dog who dances the minuet.


minuet: In the music of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, a minuet is a piece of music with three beats in a bar which is played at moderate speed. (流行于17、18世纪的) 米奴哀舞曲; 小步舞曲

He has a restless nature.


文中有一个合成词inkwell: [ˈɪŋkwel](旧时嵌入写字台的)墨水池 注意其发音。



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