贝多芬住在我家楼上阅读 6

贝多芬住在我家楼上阅读 6

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2019-09-23 12:18 被阅读0次



Nel Cor Piu Variations

贝多芬变奏曲 根据拜谢罗歌剧主题的变奏曲6首

They were singing Italian songs.The party became quiet.

Suddenly, I was happy to be staying up so late.Mother let me listen, standing in my pajamas in the hall.

stay up late熬夜

pajamas睡衣(pyjamas)复数名词(上下一套)(The spelling pajamas is used in American English. The forms pyjama and pajama are used as modifiers. 拼写pajamas用于美国英语。pyjama 和 pajama 用作修饰语。)

I closed my eyes and imagined I was by a little waterfall, where water tumbles into littlestreams.


12 作曲家是火做的

Piano Concerto #1, MVT. 1/Pi



But when he first came to Vienna he was more famous for his playing than for his composing.

And he would sit down with orchestras to play his own music without a single note written out to play.

An orchestra is a large group of musicians who play a variety of different instruments together. Orchestras usually play classical music. 管弦乐队

See also: chamber orchestra; symphony orchestra;


I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing     

Roman Cavalry choirs are singing

His music was so beautiful that sometimes people would just start to cry.But Beethoven would laugh and say, "Composers do not cry. Composers are made of fire."



He had rough manners even then. 有时候,他的行为还很粗野。

He would turn down their invitations, dress carelessly to visit, he would come late for theirdinners.Sometimes he would be very angry if he were asked to play.

turn down: refuse后文出现了She pleaded. He refused.

Perhaps they grew used to his tantrums.


At half-past eight, Mr Dursley picked up his briefcase, pecked Mrs Dursley on the cheek and tried to kiss Dudley goodbye but missed, because Dudley was now having a tantrum and throwing his cereal at the walls.(初中哈利波特1第1章)

One night when the prince teased him for not playing, Beethoven flew into a rage.

Rage is strong anger that is difficult to control. 狂怒; 盛怒 可变名词

He said, "There are many princes but there is only one Beethoven."

One afternoon, when Beethoven was out walking in the woods with a friend, a shepherd was playing a flute nearby.



Beethoven heard nothing.

When he was still a young man, he began to hear humming and buzzing in his ears.

He couldn't hear high notes. And then he couldn't hear soft voices. Slowly but unmistakably Mr. Beethoven was going deaf.




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