译| 泰戈尔-《飞鸟集》 节选121-130

作者: 6f128cf1e7af | 来源:发表于2016-09-02 18:43 被阅读544次

121. I carry in my world that flourishes the worlds that have failed.


122. Dear friend, I feel the silence of your great thoughts of many a deepening eventide on this beach when I listen to these waves.


123. The bird thinks it is an act of kindness to give the fish a life in the air.


124. “In the moon thou sendest thy love letters to me,” said the night to the sun.

“I leave my answers in tears upon the grass.”



125. The great is a born child; when he dies he gives his great childhood to the world.

新生是伟大的 ,离别时他将伟大的童年给了世界。

126. Not hammerstrokes, but dance of the water sings the pebbles into perfection.


127. Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave.

The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him.



128. To be outspoken is easy when you do not wait to speak the complete truth.


129. Asks the Possible to the Impossible, “Where is your dwelling place?”

“In the dreams of the impotent”, comes the answer.



130. If you shut your door to all errors truth will be shut out.



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