Moon and Mountain Fortress
By Li Bai
Brightly, the moon mounts effulgent mountain,
with a vast sea of clouds indistinct.
Freshening this earth, winds from dozens thousand miles
away, pass right by the Jade Gate Pass.
Han army forces struck at Baideng Path,
but barbarians spied upon Blue Sea gulfs.
Never being sighted-returning soldiers whatever,
for a long time, here have been killing fields.
A frontier guard looks to the border,
missing loved ones, with a miserable look.
Every night like this, in their chamber
his wife fidgets with sighs endless.
English tr. by Chen Zihong
明月出天山, 蒼茫雲海間。
長風幾萬里, 吹度玉門關。
漢下白登道, 胡窺青海灣。
由來征戰地, 不見有人還。
戍客望邊邑, 思歸多苦顏。
高樓當此夜, 嘆息未應閒。