
作者: 林间竹音 | 来源:发表于2019-03-08 06:34 被阅读12次


    2. 上述1.项以外的副词及副词短语


    我们对于这个决定甚为后悔。Bitterly did we repent our decision.

    那情景我记得很清楚。Well do I remember the scene.

    我曾指出时间是过得很快的,但是徒然。In vain did I point out how time was getting on.

    我们再也见不到他的面了。Never shall we see his face again.

    我做梦也未曾想到这样的事。Never had I even dreamed of such a thing.

    对于这个使命我决不在向前移动一步。Not another step will I budge on this errand.

    直到那个时候我才实感到形势的危险。Not till then did I realize the danger of the situation.

    他不但从来没有踏进大门来过,甚至连在窗口也没有露过面。Not only did he never cross the threshold, but he never so much as showed his face at a window.

    为着闲人去游荡,世界上再也没有比伦敦更好的地方了。Nowhere in the world is there such a place for an idle man as London.

    我们没有想到会再也见不到他的。Little did we think that we should never see him again.

    他一进屋来就破口大骂。Scarcely had he entered the room when he broke out in insults.

    那对他们最没有兴趣了。Least of all is it to their interest.

    我看见过他好多次。Many a time have I seen him.

    这种光景我以前只见过一次。Only once before have I seen such a sight.

    迟迟地他才明白那火灾是发生在他自己家里。Only slowly did he understand that the fire was in his own house.

    3. 补语


    (a) 罗杰始终是一个坏脾气的家伙。Cantankerous chap Roger always was.

    他们非常感谢我要援助他们。Very grateful they were for my offer of help.

    幸而我们知道她的名字。Lucky it is that we know her name.

    (b) 我的懊悔是痛苦而无益的。Bitter but unavailing were my regrets.

    我采取正当的措施极为有效。So effective it is that I have taken the right measures.

    4. 宾语:


    (a) 我们虽然能够知道过去,但对未来却只能推测。The past one can know, but the future one can only feel.

    我们高兴地记得许多事情,也高兴地忘却许多事情。Many things we gladly remember, others we gladly forget.

    金银我都没有,我所有的只有这些,现在都给你好了。Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee.

    (b) 他没有给她说一句好话。Not a word did he say in her favour.

    不到最后一张纸印好,他们谁也不会有一分钟休息的。Not a moment’s rest will any of the men enjoy until the last paper is printed.

    只有两个人死去了,没有继续受苦。Only two had merciful death released from their sufferings.

    5. 本动词:

    你抱怨也得去。Growl you will and go you must.

    他说我们必须赶上她。He says overtake her we must.

    因为我们必须找到那个解毒剂,不然就得发现民主政治是欺诈的。政 治 是 欺 诈 的。For find that antidote we must, or discover democracy to be fraudulent.

    “如果你马上打电报去,他是可以阻止的。”而他就是这样被阻止了。 “If you telegraph at once, he can be stopped.” And stopped he was.


    这种威胁他简直无法实行。This threat he was quite unable to carry out.

    这到底是什么我说不出来。 What it is I cannot tell. 

    这个议论的全程有赖于此。On this depends the whole course of the argument. 

    我相信那些话是有预言意味的。在那些话中有着劳工阶级成功进行斗争的秘密。I believe those words are prophetic. In them is the secret of a successful prosecution of the struggle of the working class. 

    随后就吹起逆风来了。Then came unfavourable winds. 

    其次就是付款的问题。Next comes the question of pay. 

    这便是此人的生平与性格。Such are the life and character of this man! 

    医生在他的(创办医院的)计划书上这样说。So the physician said in his prospectus. 

    他加快了他的步伐,我也如此 。He quickened his pace, and so did I. 

    你们错了,我们也错了。You were wrong, so were we. 

    “你现在一定要去睡觉呀。”“正是,你也是呀。” “You must go to bed now.” “So I must. So must you.”

    树倒下来了,一定会死的。As the tree falls, so must it die. 

    种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。As a man soweth, so shall he reap. 

    自作自受As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. 

    那件事他什么也不知道。他的妻子也和他一样。He knew nothing about it. No more did his wife. 

    试想想田野的百合是怎样生长的;它们既不劳动,也不纺织。Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin.

    我也不必告诉你,我做这些事是凭什么职权。Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things. 

    那一切都是真的,我们不可忘记。All that is true, nor must we forget. 

    我不知道,我也猜不出来。I know not, nor can I guess. 

    我不告你虚伪,更不告你欺诈。I do not accuse you of falsehood, still less (do I accuse you) of dishonesty.







