
作者: 林间竹音 | 来源:发表于2019-02-19 06:23 被阅读27次


    简单句(Simple Sentence)是在一句句子中只有一个主语和一个谓语。例如:

    Birds sing. 鸟鸣。

    What have you been doing?你在做什么?

    What beautiful hair that little girl has! 那个小女孩的头发多么美丽啊!


    Nearly all the boys in this class go somewhere for the summer. 几乎班上所有的学生都要到什么地方去过暑假。

    They saw a burning house, standing a little distance from the road, with some stately fir-trees in the foreground. 他们见到离开大路不远的地方,有一幢房子起火了,在那房子前面长着一排森森的枞树。


    Caught in a shower on his way to his house in Lloyd Road, a tall English gentleman, a teacher of English in one of the most flourshing private schools in Singapore, began running, with some books under his arm, in order to catch a bus going at full speed about twenty yards ahead of him. 一个身材高大的英国人,是新加坡最发达的一家私立学校的教师,在回返劳益路他的住宅去的途中,遇到了骤雨,他手臂下夹着几本书,开始向前跑,想去搭乘在他二十码前面以全速在开行的那辆公共汽车。

    在上面那句长长的简单句中,caught in a shower是分词短语,a tall English是形容词,a teacher of English in one of the most flourshing private schools in Singapore是同位语,running是宾语,with some books under his arm是副词短语,in order to catch a bus是介词短语,而going at full speed是形容词短语等等。句中主语gentleman和谓语began两个词,由于这么多的修饰语,被扩展成了55个字。


    (一) 用补语


    (a) 主语补语:

    他看上去很年轻。He looks young.

    华盛顿小时候是一个好孩子。Washington was a good boy.

    中国是要养儿防老的。In China a son should be the staff of his parents’ old age.

    (b) 宾语补语:

    人民选举他为总统。People elected him president.

    他使国家富强了。He made his country wealthy and powerful.

    (二) 用宾语


    (a) 用一个宾语:

    除你之外我没有朋友。I have no friend but you.

    她天生丽质。Nature has molded her form and features with masterly touch.

    (b) 用双宾语:

    那个老人讲一些有趣的故事给我们听。That old man tells us amusing stories.

    一磅烟丝只够他吸两个星期。A pound of tobacco only lasts him a fortnight.

    (c) 用表示结果的宾语(Object of Result):

    她点燃了一把火。She lights a fire.

    他在木板上钻了一个洞。He bores a hole in the plank.

    我在那上面画了一朵花。I painted a flower on it.

    (d) 用同系宾语(Cognate Object):

    他发出了一声短促的苦笑。He laughed a little short ugly laugh.

    他过着一种凄凉寂寞的生活。He is living a sad and lonely life.

    (e) 用反身宾语(Reflexive Object):

    他在晚会上感到很快乐。He enjoyed himself at the party.

    你应该利用图书馆的书。You should avail yourself of the books in the library.

    (f) 用保留宾语(Retained Object):


    我给了那孩子一支自来水笔。I gave the boy a fountain pen.


    The boy was given a fountain pen by me. 

    A fountain pen was given the boy by me.  

    (三) 用形容词或副词

    (A) 用形容词的,又可分为(a)叙述的用法,(b)限定的用法,(c)名词的用法,(d)副词的用法,和(e)同格的用法等五种译法。

    (a) 叙述的用法(Predicative Use):

    这朵玫瑰花是红的。This rose is red.

    他对那结果感到满意。He was content with the result.

    这不值得那样麻烦。It is not worth the trouble.

    (注:专门限于叙述用法的形容词有:ill, well, glad, sorry, exempt等,以及以“a”开头的字,如alone, asleep, awake, afraid, alike, ashamed, akin等。)

    (b) 限定的用法(Attributive Use):

    这是一朵红玫瑰花。This is a red rose.

    知足常乐。A contented person is happy with his status quo.

    他找到一个敢于和他相抗的敌人。He found a worthy enemy.

    儿童教育必须犹所能聘到的最好的教师来施行。The education of children must be conducted by the best attainable instructors.

    没有一件伟大的事不是由热忱来做成的。Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

    (c) 名词的用法(Noun Use):

    他有审美的眼光。He has an eye for the beautiful.

    富人也有他们的苦恼。The rich have their troubles too.

    班长阻止强者欺负弱者。The monitors hinder the strong from bullying the weak.

    她是一个俗气的富婆。She’s one of the vulgar rich.

    他对周围老少的人群投以一瞥。He cast a look at the crowd of old and young about him.

    (d) 副词的用法(Adverbial Use):

    他们平安到达了。They arrived safe.

    他英年早逝。He died young.

    我很想对你做得诚实一点。I want to act honest with you.

    看得轻松一点吧。Take it easy.

    我大为吓到了。I’m awful frightened.

    那会很合我的式。That will suit me fine.

    (e) 同格的用法(Appositive Use):

    一个饥饿疲惫的猎人睡在床上。A hunter, hungry and exhausted, slept on the bed.

    他又忧伤又疲倦,慢慢地走回家去了。Sad and weary, he slowly walked home.

    他老是神经过敏,这时尤其如此。Always sensitive, he was especially so at this moment.

    她的面貌虽然不难看,却很平凡。Her features, though not plain, were insignificant.

    仍然是绿色的叶子被风吹得从灌木篱笆上飘落下来。The leaves, still green, were tossed off the hedgerow trees by the wind.














