
America’s secretary of state,Rex Tillerson, went to Moscow where he urged the Russians to drop their support for the Assad regime in Syria. The talks came after America fired a barrage of cruise missiles at the Syrian air-force base that had launched a chemical attack that killed at least 85 civilians. The swift American response to Syria’s use of chemical weapons was a surprise, signalling a shift in the Trump administration’s hither to stand-offish approach. But a meeting of G7 foreign ministers rejected new sanctions against Russia.
美国国务卿雷克斯·蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)拜访了莫斯科。他呼吁俄罗斯停止支持叙利亚阿萨德政权。此次见面发生在美国向叙利亚一座空军基地发射大量巡航导弹之后。此前叙利亚发动了一次化武袭击,造成至少85名平民死亡。美国对叙利亚使用化学武器的迅速反应令人吃惊,这标志着特朗普政府从至今为止漠不关心的做法开始转向。但是,七国集团外交部长会议拒绝对俄罗斯采取新的制裁措施。
Two bomb attacks at Christian churches in Egypt on Palm Sunday killed at least 44 people. Islamic State claimed responsibility. Egypt’s president declared a three-month state of emergency.
复活节前的星期日, 针对埃及基督教堂的两起炸弹袭击,造成至少44人死亡。伊斯兰国声称对此负责。埃及总统宣布为期三个月的紧急状态。

America may approve the sale of war planes to Nigeria to assist it in its fight against Boko Haram, a jihadist group. That would reverse America’s previous policy of withholding arms because of concerns about human-rights abuses by the Nigerian army.
African migrants trying to reach Europe are being taken captive and sold in “slave markets” in Libya, the International Organisation for Migration has said, citing the testimony of victims.
Hakainde Hichilema, the leader of the main opposition party in Zambia, was arrested on charges of treason. Mr Hichilema lost a presidential election in 2016 by a narrow margin in a poll that he claimed was rigged.
赞比亚主要反对党领导人Hakainde Hichilema因叛国罪被捕。 Hichilema在2016年的投票中以微弱差距败北。但他宣称投票被操纵了。

Sabres are rattling
China and South Korea agreed that sanctions on North Korea should be stiffened if it conducted another nuclear test. America dispatched what Donald Trump described as an “armada” to nearby waters.North Korea said it was ready to engage in “any mode of war desired” by the United States.
A military court in Pakistan sentenced an alleged Indian spy to death. It claimed that Kulbhushan Jadhav, an Indian naval officer, had been fomenting terrorism in the state of Balochistan.
巴基斯坦军事法庭判处一名据称是印度间谍的人死刑。据称,印度海军官员Kulbhushan Jadhav在俾路支省一直从事煽动恐怖主义的活动。
Police and soldiers in the central Philippines clashed with suspected members of Abu Sayyaf, an Islamic terrorist group which normally operates in the south of the country. Five terrorists, three soldiers and a policeman were killed in the fighting.
The nuclear option 核选择
Neil Gorsuch was sworn in as a justice on the Supreme Court. The Senate confirmed his nomination after the Republican leadership changed the rules. From now on a president’s appointments to the court will be confirmed by a simple majority, rather than the three-fifths majority required by a filibuster.
尼尔·戈索赫(Neil Gorsuch)宣誓就任最高法院大法官。在共和党领导层改变规则之后参议院通过了提名。从现在开始,总统对法官的任命只要达到简单多数即可通过,而不是阻挠议事需要的五分之三多数。

Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee,stepped aside from its investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. Mr Nunes had come under pressure for his ties to Team Trump.
众议院情报委员会主席德温·努内斯(Devin Nunes)退出了一项调查。调查的目的是旨在发现特朗普竞选与俄罗斯官员之间的联系。努内斯因与特朗普团队关系密切而备受压力。
Revisionist history 修正主义历史学
Marine Le Pen, the presidential candidate of France’s National Front, denied that France was responsible for a round-up of 13,000 Jews who were sent to Nazi concentration camps. She argued that the collaborationist Vichy regime did not represent France. French Jewish groups protested. Though French presidents have said similar things, Ms Le Pen leads a party with a history of outright Holocaust denial.
法国国家阵线总统候选人玛丽娜·勒庞否认法国应为13 000名犹太人被送往纳粹集中营负责。她认为,通敌卖国的维希政府不能代表法国。法国犹太组织提出了抗议。虽然法国历届总统都有过类似的表达,但是勒庞女士领导的政党对大屠杀持彻底否定的历史观。

Valeriya Gontareva resigned as the governor of Ukraine’s central bank. Ms Gontareva has been credited with stabilising the economy after the Russian annexation of Crimea.She also closed 80 banks for their links to money laundering.But she had received death threats and said that the pressure was unbearable.
In a presumed jihadist attack, a man stole a lorry in Stockholmand drove it into the front of a department store, killing four people. Police arrested an immigrant from Uzbekistan who admitted to committing a terrorist act at a court appearance.
Keeping your opponents down 让你的对手无法翻身
The government of Venezuela banned Henrique Capriles, a state governor who belongs to the opposition, from running for office for 15 years, triggering large demonstrations in Caracas and other cities in which two people died. Mr Capriles nearly defeated the president,Nicolás Maduro, in an election in 2013. He won’t be able to run in the next one, due in 2018.
A justice of Brazil’s supreme court approved investigations of eight members of Michel Temer’s presidential cabinet and more than 60 congressmen.The investigations are connected to the Petrobras scandal, in which contractors funnelled cash to politicians in return for padded contracts with the state-controlled firm.
Labour unions in Argentina held a general strike in protest against the government’s austerity policy. Mauricio Macri, who became president in December 2015, is trying to undo the populist legacy of his predecessor, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
阿根廷工会举行总罢工以抗议政府的紧缩政策。 2015年12月起担任总统职务的毛里西奥·马克里正试图消除他的前任克里斯蒂娜·费尔南德斯·德基希纳的民粹主义影响。
America, Canada and Mexico are to bid together to host the football World Cup in 2026. Donald Trump, who wants to build a wall between America and Mexico, “encouraged” the idea, said Sunil Gulati, president of the United States’ soccer federation.