译| 泰戈尔-《飞鸟集》 节选21-30

作者: 6f128cf1e7af | 来源:发表于2016-08-28 20:22 被阅读156次

21, They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back.


22, That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life.


23, “We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent?”

“I am a mere flower.”



24, Rest belongs to the work as the eyelids to the eyes.


25, Man is a born child, his power is the power of growth.


26, God expects answers for the flowers he sends us, not for the sun and the earth.


27, The light that plays, like a naked child, among the green leaves happily knows not that man can lie.


28, O Beauty, find thyself in love, not in the flattery of thy mirror.


29, My heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears with the words, “I love thee.”


30, “Moon, for what do you wait?”

“To salute the sun for whom I must make way.”




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    本文标题:译| 泰戈尔-《飞鸟集》 节选21-30
